iGaming regulations have become a major challenge for operators and affiliates. Despite the industry's rapid growth, online marketing restrictions are becoming increasingly complex. The question is, where and how should ads be run to maximize player deposits? A renowned expert and practitioner is here to address this issue.

Why is adhering to legal compliance crucial in iGaming?

The iGaming sector is growing swiftly, with new operators, software providers, and players entering the market. Online gaming revenues are projected to reach $136.3 billion by 2029. However, this growth could be at risk if operators and advertisers do not adhere to legal and regulatory requirements. Legal compliance is essential for marketers in iGaming for at least two key reasons.


Laws and legislative restrictions

The global landscape of iGaming legal compliance is becoming increasingly complex as more countries impose more and more restrictions on iGaming advertising. Following the Netherlands, Bulgaria has introduced a bill to ban nearly all forms of online iGaming ads. These significant markets are making it harder for advertisers looking to promote their businesses. The booming industry is being reshaped by these legal changes.

Many advertising platforms and traffic sources have already started pre-moderating ad creatives and landing pages, making it more challenging to reach potential players with promotional messages.

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Payment compliance regulations
Another regulatory measure impacting the iGaming industry reffers to KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures, which involve verifying a user's identity. Operators must conduct KYC by:
  • Confirming the player's age
  • Authenticating identity documents
  • Identifying risk factors such as gaming addiction or affordability issues
Adhering to these regulations safeguards both operators and players. KYC practices ensure responsible iGaming operations by allowing operators to assess customers' spending capabilities and address potential issues proactively.

Today, my task is to summarize the key iGaming regulations for major ad platforms across different regions: Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Following this, we will explore the benefits of emerging traffic providers and compare the regulations of one leading platform in the iGaming sector with those of its upcoming competitor.

Regional Overview of Global iGaming Regulations

Legislation on Gaming and Sports Advertising in Europe
The European region offers the clearest regulations for iGaming advertising. While the laws have been in place for some time, they are updated periodically, as seen in Germany in 2021, which restricted gaming promotions to certain daytime hours.

Ensuring legal compliance in iGaming marketing within Europe is quite manageable. The requirements for ad creatives are straightforward, focusing primarily on age restrictions and avoiding direct references to sports. Branding elements and logos can be used, provided there is an agreement with the relevant operator.


Overview of iGaming Regulations in Latin America

Latin America's regulatory approach draws from European experiences. Starting in December 2023, the region began implementing more detailed restrictions and rules for iGaming advertising.

These new regulations aim to enhance stability, transparency, and clarity. Despite this, there remains significant flexibility in creating ad messages and creatives. Additionally, regulations governing landing page content are less stringent compared to Europe.


Overview of iGaming Regulations in Asia

Compared to the other regions, Asia maintains a more conservative stance on online gaming promotion. Major traffic platforms like Google and Meta are unlikely to approve ad campaigns, even if you hold a non-regional license.

Therefore, it's advisable to explore alternative traffic sources, such as niche ad networks with substantial traffic volumes. As for whether Asian countries will become more flexible with iGaming regulations, it seems unlikely. The regulatory environment in Asia remains quite stringent, and significant changes in the legal framework may take time.


Overview of iGaming Regulations in African countries

African countries currently face minimal restrictions on iGaming advertising. Ad platforms generally impose basic requirements on creatives, such as avoiding explicit adult content, targeting the 18+ age group, and refraining from using images of famous footballers unless they are affiliated with the operator or a sponsored team.

In North African countries, the regulations are somewhat more conservative. While there are additional considerations to keep in mind, these rules tend to focus more on limiting ads for gaming houses, leaving sports-related ads relatively unaffected.


Overview of Key Aspects of iGaming Advertising Legal Compliance

Let's review the key iGaming advertising regulations discussed earlier. Advertisers typically need to undergo verification and obtain special permission from platforms like Meta or Google before launching their campaigns.

A crucial element for a successful campaign is providing evidence of licensing or legal iGaming activity in the targeted regions.

Advertising creatives also undergo scrutiny. Generally, you are not allowed to promise winnings or encourage users to "enter the game." Many platforms also restrict the use of images featuring sports players or celebrities unless they have a contractual agreement with the operator.

Additionally, the format of your online ads is subject to regulations. For example, Google restricts certain ad formats for iGaming promotions:
  • Gmail ads
  • Product advertisements
  • Reserved media placements
  • User ratings

Alternative traffic sources for iGaming operators and affiliates

We've highlighted some fundamental restrictions without delving into specifics. Even this brief overview shows that advertising on major mainstream traffic platforms involves stringent rules.

But are there alternatives? Absolutely. Non-mainstream ad networks often have fewer regulations.

A non-mainstream advertising network allows you to promote your iGaming products on thousands of websites whose owners have permitted such ads.

In addition to stable traffic volumes, these networks provide a variety of ad formats that can be customized to match your message.

Why do non-mainstream traffic providers typically impose fewer restrictions on iGaming ads? Firstly, they work directly with publishers who agree to display such creatives. Secondly, all creatives and landing pages undergo manual pre-moderation, a process that is often not feasible on larger platforms. As a result, advertisers can reach the same audiences while staying compliant with regulations.

Now, let’s explore the key benefits of reputable ad networks.

Benefits of Using Non-Mainstream Advertising Networks

Here are some advantages of using non-mainstream advertising networks:
  • Faster Campaign Verification: Campaigns are typically verified within one to a few hours. Successful verification requires adherence to policy guidelines, including general requirements for creatives and landing pages.
  • No Special Permissions Required: There's no need to obtain specific permissions, licenses, or certificates to launch a campaign.
  • Access to Creative Assets: You have access to various assets and creatives.
  • Expert, Vertical-Specific Advice: Get competitive rates, insights on high-performing creatives, and evaluations of your bidding strategy from industry experts.
  • Managed Campaigns: If you represent a brand or agency, you can launch managed campaigns.
  • Flexible Creative Rules: While general restrictions apply (e.g., no misleading ads or content featuring violence), there are minimal constraints on creatives.
  • High-Volume Relevant Traffic: Enjoy access to large volumes of traffic that is highly relevant to your offers.
  • Diverse Advertising Formats: Utilize a variety of ad formats without restrictions based on verticals or offers.
  • Niche Traffic with High CR and CTR: Benefit from niche traffic that often results in higher conversion rates (CR) and click-through rates (CTR).
  • Popular Payment Systems: Access commonly used payment systems for transactions.
  • Built-In Stats Reports: Utilize integrated statistical reports for tracking and analysis.
  • Optimization Tools: Leverage tools designed to optimize campaign performance.
In summary, an ad network is a substantial and high-quality traffic source that can enhance your ROI with fewer requirements for your offer.

Challenges of Non-Mainstream Ad Networks
  • Limited Targeting Options: You may lack comprehensive tools to target user preferences or retarget look-alike audiences.
  • Unsuitable Pricing Models: Some networks may recommend pricing models, like CPM, that don't align with your initial goals, such as targeting player deposits.
  • Lower Traffic Volumes in Specific Regions: Certain areas, like Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Azerbaijan, may have lower traffic volumes.
  • Restricted Payment Systems: Typically, you can choose from bank transfers, card payments, Capitalist, and a few others.
  • Need for Customized Conversion Tracking: Standard tools like Google Analytics often won't suffice, requiring a custom conversion tracker setup.
While these challenges are manageable, it's crucial to ensure your partner network supports responsible marketing. Here are my top recommendations for what to check first:

How to Assess an Ad Network’s Credibility:
  • Official User Ratings and Forum Feedback: Look for ratings and reviews from actual users on industry forums.
  • Top Influencer Reviews: Check what well-known influencers are saying about the network.
  • Terms and Conditions: These should be readily available on the website. If not, it's a red flag.
  • Response Time: Evaluate the availability and expertise of customer support.
  • Official Media Kits: Review the network’s media kits for transparency and detailed information.
  • Blog Articles: Look for comprehensive product guides and articles on setting up campaigns.
  • Expert Articles in Trusted Media: Find expert opinions and reviews in reputable media outlets.
  • Help Center or Knowledge Base: Ensure there is a robust resource center for troubleshooting and guidance.
  • Payment Systems: Check the variety and reliability of payment options available.
  • Signup Terms: Be wary if a paid login is required; it’s a potential red flag.
  • Advertising Formats Available: Confirm the network supports the formats you need.
  • Refund Policy: Look for a clear refund policy in the official terms and conditions.
  • Access to Professional Support: Check if you can reach a professional manager and access assets like creatives and pre-landers.

TikTok vs. Ad Networks: A Comparison of iGaming Regulations

Traffic sources are the backbone of the advertising infrastructure, and major platforms like TikTok cannot be overlooked. Affiliates leverage TikTok to promote affiliate links, drive traffic to sponsored products, and build brand loyalty (brand ambassadorship). However, driving traffic to an iGaming offer on TikTok is particularly challenging.

Here’s a comparison of TikTok’s terms with those of non-mainstream ad networks:

All major platforms, including TikTok, have implemented nearly identical measures. We anticipate further regulations emerging in local legislation, particularly in Tier-3 countries.

Conversely, ad networks have remained adaptable regarding iGaming campaigns. Although they adhere to key regulatory guidelines, ad networks still offer greater flexibility in setting up and targeting marketing campaigns.

Trends in iGaming regulations

New Verticals

The iGaming industry is there to reach new heights in audience coverage, incorporating activities like eSports. As this field evolves, we can expect new regulations to emerge. With countless passionate e-players and fans in the US, Asia, and Latin America, legislative oversight is necessary to ensure advertising remains safe and transparent for all participants.

Further regulations

New regulations will soon be enacted in Tier-2 and Tier-3 countries, impacting mainstream advertising platforms that offer traffic from these regions. In this context, non-mainstream ad networks may emerge as powerful traffic sources. While Latin American, Asian, and African countries have largely followed European regulations, we can expect to see unique restrictions tailored to their cultural and religious specifics.

Accountable Advertising

Ad networks will invest in advanced tools to detect ad fraud, offering greater assurances for advertisers.

Artificial Intelligence Awareness

Another significant trend is AI. Many governments and ad platforms will likely need to regulate AI-generated content, particularly when it involves celebrities. Deep fakes should be penalized due to their potential to mislead users and damage brand reputation.

UGC transparency

We anticipate increased transparency in user-generated content (UGC) for iGaming products. Ad platforms will need to establish detailed guidelines for influencers and bloggers to follow. These regulations will encompass more than simply confirming that your operator is licensed under the official jurisdiction.

iGaming legal compliance FAQs

How Can iGaming Regulations Impact Affiliate Marketing Strategies?

Mainstream platforms like Google, Facebook, and TikTok have introduced numerous rules to automate ad moderation. Not all affiliates can secure permission to promote online gaming or provide proof that their advertisers are licensed by top jurisdictions.

However, this is just one aspect. Each country has established its own regulations for iGaming promotion, with some imposing near-total bans on online ads. As a result, affiliate marketing strategies are shifting towards non-mainstream ad networks. These networks connect advertisers with audiences on websites and blogs where iGaming ads are permitted.

Are There Penalties for Non-Compliant iGaming Marketing?

Many ad platforms automatically suspend iGaming campaigns if they target countries where such ads are prohibited. However, the specifics of what is considered "allowed" or "prohibited" can be complex. For example, you might be permitted to run ads but prohibited from using people's faces in the creatives. A notable case is X, which was fined €1.35 million for violating Italy’s iGaming ban. To avoid penalties, the best approach is to thoroughly review the relevant legislation for each country.

Is User-Generated Content (UGC) Restricted in the iGaming Vertical?

Influencers can serve as highly trusted brand advocates, driving users to gaming platforms through their reviews and live streams. However, it's crucial to understand the local regulations before purchasing a review from a blogger or posting a testimonial. Your country’s laws can impact your activities, even if you’re streaming from abroad. For instance, in 2024, two affiliates from Indonesia faced $67,000 in fines for promoting prohibited gaming activities. Always familiarize yourself with local regulations to avoid potential penalties.

How Can Players Verify the Legality and Compliance of an iGaming Platform?

A reputable iGaming platform should offer clear terms of use and be dedicated to supporting its players. We recommend that gaming operators ensure they provide the following to their audience:

☑️ 24/7 customer support
☑️ Valid licenses and certifications for operating the iGaming business
☑️ Contact information for the call center
☑️ Clearly outlined refund policies
☑️ Genuine player testimonials
☑️ Detailed payment reports

These guidelines also apply to affiliates looking to promote an offer.

How Do Non-Mainstream Ad Networks Verify iGaming Ads?

✅ Non-mainstream ad networks typically manage not as many publishers, allowing for more thorough verification of websites, often including manual checks.
✅ Direct publishers have the ability to specify ad types when adding their domains to an ad network, indicating which content can or cannot be displayed on their sites.
✅ Expertise is another advantage: well-established ad networks employ managers and support teams who are well-versed in the legal nuances of specific niches or verticals. These experts can provide guidance on the best strategies for ad creatives and landing pages, helping ensure compliance with regulations.

While this process doesn't exempt you from local laws or restrictions, it allows you to access high-quality traffic from regions where high-intent audiences are ready to deposit and engage.