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Why Your Google Ads Campaigns Attract Irrelevant Traffic and How to Fix It.



Apr 30, 2024

Even experienced affiliate marketers and PPC specialists often encounter situations where a specific ad or campaign in Google Ads brings in irrelevant traffic. This issue might seem obvious to some, but in practice, not everyone understands why this happens, leading to wasted advertising budgets. In this article, we will explore the reasons why your ad campaigns might attract irrelevant traffic.

Possible Reasons for Attracting Irrelevant Traffic in Google Ads

Let's delve into several common reasons why ad campaigns in Google Ads might attract an irrelevant audience.

- Irrelevant Keywords (Semantics)
To attract targeted users, it's essential not only to gather the right keywords and launch a campaign but also to continuously optimize these keywords and block those that waste your budget by attracting irrelevant audiences. Typically, such keywords have a high bounce rate (50%+).
To block irrelevant queries, go to the "Keywords" tab, add the "Bounce Rate" column, and sort all queries with a bounce rate higher than 50%.
It's important to add irrelevant keywords to the negative keywords list.


- Using Ineffective Placements and Platforms
Based on user campaign statistics, it is recommended to filter out "junk" traffic
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