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Summary on affLift findings, Money Expectations, and Overall Strategy


Dec 27, 2024
Hi there! I wanted to summarize my findings, get clarification, and talk about where my mind was regards to overall strategy. I appreciate any replies. I listed out my primary questions on the bottom. I’m sure this would be helpful for beginners and maintaining proper expectations.

Regarding verticals:
The verticals seem to generally be in finance (payday loans), sweepstakes, gambling, dating/adult, and generally questionable areas. A lot of it seems to be join an affiliate network with an offer whether or not we used the product. There seems to be some people doing whitehat stuff, but the content is a bit limited.

Traffic sources:
I have some familiarity with google and facebook traffic. I’m not familiar with pops or pushes, but from my understanding we can bypass some of the compliance stuff with these other traffic sources. It’s also cheaper to go with these other sources. It also seems it’s more readily available in non-geo1/tier 1 countries.

The focus seems to be on tier 2/geo2 and tier 3/ geo3. We generally focus in these areas because it’s cheaper.

Findings on ROI:
The ROI on stuff seemed to be a mix of 10%-20% on campaigns. I saw a guy give
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