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Apr 30, 2024

Social engineering is often associated with cybercrime and fraud. However, this "weapon" can be a valuable asset in legitimate business, especially in affiliate marketing, where everything revolves around influencing human psychology.

What is Social Engineering?

Influencing people through words, gestures, and emotions is an art mastered by social engineers. They study psychology, track people's behavior and reactions, and learn how to predict and control their actions.
The most striking examples include phone scammers who pose as bank employees to extract confidential information from unsuspecting victims. Another example is con artists who exploit people's greed or fears to manipulate them.

How Social Engineering is Used in Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, the techniques of social engineering don't always take a "dark" path. Elements of social engineering help affiliates create effective and profitable strategies, attracting more targeted traffic and converting it into leads. Moreover, in affiliate marketing, social engineering has a much broader application compared to everyday situations. While "black" methods are still prevalent in some niches, more affiliates are favoring "white" and "gray" techniques to engage their audience.

Funnel-Based Traffic

This model is based on creating complex
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