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Guide MEGA Thread of Useful Landing Page Scripts


🧙🏻‍♂️ Wizard 🔮
Staff Member
Community Leader
May 7, 2018
At the request of many members, we've decided to create a master thread with useful scripts that you can use on your landing page.

These first few scripts are just the initial ones, but I invite everyone to contribute to this post so we can have a good resource that all AffLift members can use. To contribute, please post your script in a post below. This can be a new script or an improved version of a script we already have. If you contribute a script, I'll add your script to the main post and tag you as a contributor.

Landing Pages Scripts - Javascript Code

This first section contains mostly Javascript tricks for your landing page. If you use the same code on most of your landing pages, I highly suggest that you centralize all your scripts into 1 file so you can easily modify it if/when needed.

Insert Tracker Tokens into Landing Page Content (City, State, Country, ISP, IP, Browser, Internet Connection, etc.)

This Javascript will be able to insert any data your tracker has about the user into the landing page content.

Place the following script in between the <head></head>
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