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Guide Complete List of Country Tiers



🧙🏻‍♂️ Wizard 🔮
Staff Member
Community Leader
May 7, 2018
If you've been in the affiliate marketing space for longer than a minute you've probably heard about country tiers. But, what are they?

Countries are how the industry classifies different GEOs based on mostly on how developed and wealthy a country is overall.

Sometimes people will also base their classification on the competitiveness of the GEO, payout of offers, difficulty to run campaigns, and the quality and price of traffic.

Developed countries usually have widespread use of credit cards and frequently purchase products or services online. Because of this, they are usually very competitive and have higher prices for traffic.

An easy way to think of the various country tiers is like this:

Tier 1 Country = Developed

Tier 2 Country = Developing, or Emerging Markets

Tier 3 Country = Undeveloped

Because there are so many ways that different affiliates or networks classify country tiers, there are a lot of different interpretations of what country belongs to what tier.

I've compiled a list of the countries by tiers below, but do note you may see these classified differently depending on who you're working with.

List of Tier 1 Countries
  • AT - Austria
  • AU - Australia
  • BE - Belgium
  • CA - Canada
  • CH - Switzerland
  • DE - Germany
  • DK - Denmark
  • FI - Finland
  • FR - France
  • GB - United Kingdom
  • IT - Italy
  • LU - Luxembourg
  • NL - Netherlands
  • NO - Norway
  • NZ - New Zealand
  • SE - Sweden
  • US - United States
List of Tier 2 Countries
  • AE - United Arab Emirates
  • AR - Argentina
  • BD - Bangladesh
  • BH - Bahrain
  • BR - Brazil
  • CL - Chile
  • CN - China
  • CR - Costa Rica
  • CY - Cyprus
  • CZ - Czech Republic
  • DZ - Algeria
  • EE - Estonia
  • EG - Egypt
  • ES - Spain
  • GR - Greece
  • HK - Hong Kong
  • HU - Hungary
  • ID - Indonesia
  • IE - Ireland
  • IL - Israel
  • IR - Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • IS - Iceland
  • JP - Japan
  • KE - Kenya
  • KG - Kyrgyzstan
  • KR - Korea, Republic of
  • KW - Kuwait
  • KZ - Kazakhstan
  • LT - Lithuania
  • LV - Latvia
  • MX - Mexico
  • MY - Malaysia
  • PE - Peru
  • PL - Poland
  • PR - Puerto Rico
  • PT - Portugal
  • QA - Qatar
  • RO - Romania
  • RS - Serbia
  • RU - Russian Federation
  • SA - Saudi Arabia
  • SG - Singapore
  • SI - Slovenia
  • SK - Slovakia
  • TH - Thailand
  • TR - Turkey
  • TW - Taiwan, Province of China
  • UA - Ukraine
  • ZA - South Africa
List of Tier 3 Countries
  • AD - Andorra
  • AF - Afghanistan
  • AG - Antigua and Barbuda
  • AI - Anguilla
  • AL - Albania
  • AM - Armenia
  • AO - Angola
  • AQ - Antarctica
  • AS - American Samoa
  • AW - Aruba
  • AX - Åland Islands
  • AZ - Azerbaijan
  • BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • BB - Barbados
  • BF - Burkina Faso
  • BG - Bulgaria
  • BI - Burundi
  • BJ - Benin
  • BL - Saint Barthélemy
  • BM - Bermuda
  • BN - Brunei Darussalam
  • BO - Bolivia, Plurinational State of
  • BQ - Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
  • BS - Bahamas
  • BT - Bhutan
  • BW - Botswana
  • BY - Belarus
  • BZ - Belize
  • CC - Cocos
  • CD - Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
  • CF - Central African Republic
  • CG - Congo
  • CI - Cote d’Ivoire ! Côte d’Ivoire
  • CK - Cook Islands
  • CM - Cameroon
  • CO - Colombia
  • CU - Cuba
  • CV - Cape Verde
  • CW - Curaçao
  • CX - Christmas Island
  • DJ - Djibouti
  • DM - Dominica
  • DO - Dominican Republic
  • EC - Ecuador
  • ER - Eritrea
  • ET - Ethiopia
  • FJ - Fiji
  • FK - Falkland Islands
  • FM - Micronesia, Federated States of
  • FO - Faroe Islands
  • GA - Gabon
  • GD - Grenada
  • GE - Georgia
  • GF - French Guiana
  • GG - Guernsey
  • GH - Ghana
  • GI - Gibraltar
  • GL - Greenland
  • GM - Gambia
  • GN - Guinea
  • GP - Guadeloupe
  • GQ - Equatorial Guinea
  • GT - Guatemala
  • GU - Guam
  • GW - Guinea-Bissau
  • GY - Guyana
  • HN - Honduras
  • HR - Croatia
  • HT - Haiti
  • IM - Isle of Man
  • IN - India
  • IO - British Indian Ocean Territory
  • IQ - Iraq
  • JE - Jersey
  • JM - Jamaica
  • JO - Jordan
  • KH - Cambodia
  • KI - Kiribati
  • KM - Comoros
  • KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • KP - Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
  • KY - Cayman Islands
  • LA - Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  • LB - Lebanon
  • LC - Saint Lucia
  • LI - Liechtenstein
  • LK - Sri Lanka
  • LR - Liberia
  • LS - Lesotho
  • LY - Libya
  • MA - Morocco
  • MC - Monaco
  • MD - Moldova, Republic of
  • ME - Montenegro
  • MF - Saint Martin
  • MG - Madagascar
  • MH - Marshall Islands
  • MK - Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
  • ML - Mali
  • MM - Myanmar
  • MN - Mongolia
  • MO - Macao
  • MP - Northern Mariana Islands
  • MQ - Martinique
  • MR - Mauritania
  • MS - Montserrat
  • MT - Malta
  • MU - Mauritius
  • MV - Maldives
  • MW - Malawi
  • MZ - Mozambique
  • NA - Namibia
  • NC - New Caledonia
  • NE - Niger
  • NF - Norfolk Island
  • NG - Nigeria
  • NI - Nicaragua
  • NP - Nepal
  • NR - Nauru
  • NU - Niue
  • OM - Oman
  • PA - Panama
  • PF - French Polynesia
  • PG - Papua New Guinea
  • PH - Philippines
  • PK - Pakistan
  • PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • PN - Pitcairn
  • PS - Palestinian Territory, Occupied
  • PW - Palau
  • PY - Paraguay
  • RE - Reunion ! Réunion
  • RW - Rwanda
  • SB - Solomon Islands
  • SC - Seychelles
  • SD - Sudan
  • SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
  • SL - Sierra Leone
  • SM - San Marino
  • SN - Senegal
  • SO - Somalia
  • SR - Suriname
  • SS - South Sudan
  • ST - Sao Tome and Principe
  • SV - El Salvador
  • SX - Sint Maarten
  • SY - Syrian Arab Republic
  • SZ - Swaziland
  • TC - Turks and Caicos Islands
  • TD - Chad
  • TG - Togo
  • TJ - Tajikistan
  • TK - Tokelau
  • TL - Timor-Leste
  • TM - Turkmenistan
  • TN - Tunisia
  • TO - Tonga
  • TT - Trinidad and Tobago
  • TV - Tuvalu
  • TZ - Tanzania, United Republic of
  • UG - Uganda
  • UY - Uruguay
  • UZ - Uzbekistan
  • VA - Holy See
  • VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • VE - Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
  • VG - Virgin Islands, British
  • VI - Virgin Islands, U.S.
  • VN - Viet Nam
  • VU - Vanuatu
  • WF - Wallis and Futuna
  • WS - Samoa
  • XX - Unknown
  • YE - Yemen
  • YT - Mayotte
  • ZM - Zambia
  • ZW - Zimbabwe
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BIG Conference
That's actually really quite handy (y)
@Nick thanks for the share, this is awesome, but for (EG) Egypt and (DZ) Algeria are they on tier2 or tier 3 ?!
If you know a network that considers Ireland Tier 2, please let me know. I'd loooove to pay Tier 2 prices for Irish traffic.
Great idea, Nick!

Unfortunately, as you said, everybody uses different filters for this. Some networks consider tier 1 just CA, AU, USA, and UK and sometimes the Nordics for example.

And on the other side, I don't consider MX. TH or TR tier 2 at all. They are definitely tier 3 for me while ES has never been tier1 in the lists we get from any network.

But at least it helps you get an idea of where things work.

I think this categorization has the problem of not being universal as it changes every decade or so and also some countries would feel offended (you know, millennials love to be offended about everything nowadays...).

I wish there was an official list we could use :)
Great idea, Nick!

Unfortunately, as you said, everybody uses different filters for this. Some networks consider tier 1 just CA, AU, USA, and UK and sometimes the Nordics for example.

And on the other side, I don't consider MX. TH or TR tier 2 at all. They are definitely tier 3 for me while ES has never been tier1 in the lists we get from any network.

But at least it helps you get an idea of where things work.

I think this categorization has the problem of not being universal as it changes every decade or so and also some countries would feel offended (you know, millennials love to be offended about everything nowadays...).

I wish there was an official list we could use :)
Right? I was a bit hesitant to post this as almost everyone classifies them differently. But it should give everyone a general idea at least.