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  1. Geozo


    Native advertising has experienced a roller coaster ride of popularity over the years. With the advent of new advertising formats, there has been an ebb and flow in its relevance. However, one undeniable fact is that native ads are here to stay. Notably, Gen Z, the digital-savvy generation, has shown a marked preference for social media ads and native ads, leading to an increasingly successful conversion rate. Expectations are high that native ads will continue gaining traction in the years ahead. In this evolving landscape, the emergence of new sources for native ads traffic, like Geozo, is a welcome development. Geozo is a native advertising platform established in 2021 and headquartered in Cyprus. Geozo operates worldwide and maintains representatives across Europe and Asia for partner convenience. Geozo Features Geozo operates by establishing direct relationships with webmasters, a strategy that drastically enhances its effectiveness as an advertising platform. It currently...