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  1. Moneyman

    Step 11 - Optimizing our Campaign

    Not Really @Luke How do you run pops on just the websites ID or do you optimise per category the optimisation process is really diffucult maybe we should have limited ourselves to just offers ? i mean is it linear you fix one variable and then see how it goes with the others having a diffirent...
  2. Moneyman

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    @Nick @k@rnivore please can you clarify that concept it’s new to me why do you need a server and why change to binom
  3. Moneyman

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    Can you please clarify how to guide traffic to well performing offers for each country ?
  4. Moneyman

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    What changes have you made ?
  5. Moneyman

    Step 11 - Optimizing our Campaign

    thanks @Luke you are the Man i share with my instant results after some optimization and let's play a game will the Ptofit & Cost Cross Or Not ? Will Revenue Up the costs that what we will see in the next episod Keep Tuned :oops:
  6. Moneyman

    Step 8 - Creating Your PopAds Campaign

    it's 24 hours and data still the same @servandosilva i have checked on the offers side i have entred them correctlly all of them
  7. Moneyman

    Step 8 - Creating Your PopAds Campaign

    i have checked it's UTC Time too on Bemob @jimmyvanilla
  8. Moneyman

    Step 8 - Creating Your PopAds Campaign

    Hello Everyone i have launched my comaign it was approved very fast in pop ads but i have an issue with tracking does it take time to make changes or update postbacks ? @Luke please can you help in Mobipuim i have 35 conversions but for Bemob i have 11 Conversions any help Freinds @Luke...
  9. Moneyman

    Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

    @Luke in this case we did direct linking with a pop smart link i mean can we do native ads with these kind of pushnotifications ? with a lander ?
  10. Moneyman

    Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

    Hi @Luke please could you go on how we can see the offer and how to chose the right offer also on pop Ups pop unders and pop Ups the differences so Now i have Lanched my first compaign wich is a very great idea but to be advanced we need principales as well so we can apply them to any futur...
  11. Moneyman

    Step 7 - Add our BeMob Postback to MOBIPIUM

    Please if i want to use my proper domain name how can i do that ? i mean for the smartlinks in monetizer for example it's required to have a domain name linked with them for Mobipuim i don't know if it's required or better use to add my domain name @Luke @MOBIPIUM
  12. Moneyman

    Step 6 - Setting up MOBIPIUM Push Smartlink Offers in BeMob

    thank you very very mcu @Luke You are saving Us :geek: Hero
  13. Moneyman

    Step 5 - Setup MOBIPIUM in BeMob

    Thanks @Luke i have four years in this game nothing is comparable to this forum and Guide you are the man Thanks @Luke thank you very very much from my heart you are simplifying the game Few scopes and tracking becomes easy peasy with you , as a newbie you remove all the barrieres to entry...
  14. Moneyman

    Ad + Lander Advice from PPC Master JackySan

    you too @nitin thanks for you both :cool:
  15. Moneyman

    Ad + Lander Advice from PPC Master JackySan

    thanks Man huge value
  16. Moneyman

    Comment by 'Moneyman' in article 'MOBIPIUM Review'

    what do you think about @Tak you have not answered it can you please clarify
  17. Moneyman

    START HERE - Pops Guide - The Beginners Guide to Affiliate Marketing

    Thank you very much @Luke i haBe a feeling that this will be one of the best forum in the industry very soon :love: I have appliedwaiting for approval