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  1. Jimmy

    PropellerAds Contest - Choose Your Favorite Follow Along

    Well done everyone. Well deserved!
  2. Jimmy

    PropellerAds Contest - Choose Your Favorite Follow Along

    I've got to admit I haven't read through all the FAs in as much detail as I would have liked (yet), but I was hooked on @Aptfxer 's FA from the start so that's where my vote's gone. Nice one dude.
  3. Jimmy

    Best Affiliate Marketing Telegram Groups & Channels

    It's English, but the mods tend to drink a lot of vodka and so their typing ends up похож на тарабарщину
  4. Jimmy

    Best Affiliate Marketing Telegram Groups & Channels

    Fantastic resource. There's no way I could keep on top of all of those, but I've subscribed to a couple that look interesting.
  5. Jimmy

    2021 Kick-off Link Directory Contest - $500 in Prizes

    Well done all! The reviews are always really helpful!
  6. Jimmy

    New Community Leader: Akahma

    Love the content @akahma has posted to the forum. Welcome aboad bro!!!
  7. Jimmy

    Announcing the Peak Award Winners for 2020!

    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
  8. Jimmy

    2021 Kick-off Link Directory Contest - $500 in Prizes

    Just reviewed Traffic Company and Zeydoo - two good affiliate networks to work with IMHO.
  9. Jimmy

    Zeropark Follow Along Contest – Get up to 15% cashback!

    Trying out something a bit risque this time around: https://afflift.com/f/threads/zeropark-push-v-some-%F0%9F%8D%93-cheeky-%F0%9F%92%8B-adult-%F0%9F%8D%86-offers-%F0%9F%98%98-xo.5970/
  10. Jimmy

    Networks to avoid killing your Cashflow as a beginner

    I think I found some footage of that interaction online:
  11. Jimmy

    Networks to avoid killing your Cashflow as a beginner

    Mobidea also has low threshold payment terms: Mobidea Minimum payout: $50 Frequency: Weekly Payment methods: Wire, Paypal, Paxum, WebMoney
  12. Jimmy

    SelfAdvertiser Contest - $5,000 in Prizes - BIGGEST EVER!

    I'm in: https://afflift.com/f/threads/selfadvertiser-ppv-v-a-rack-of-soi-offers-%F0%9F%8E%B1%F0%9F%8F%86.5574/
  13. Jimmy

    Follow Along [October Contest] ItsJay24's Push Collection Journey - SelfAdvertiser + EvaDav/Smartlinks + Binom

    Can you shed a little bit more light on some of the campaign details? I'm assuming the 6 conversions you're reporting so far re the trafficback conversions, not push subcriber revshare (otherwise it doesn't make sense that 6 revshare subscribers would be worth $1.38).
  14. Jimmy

    SelfAdvertiser Auto Optimizer Q & A 🧙🏻‍♂️

    This was a really interesting conversation and Gal @SelfAdvertiser was really helpful (y) Note that the screengrabs @Nick has included for the bid optimizer are for CPC campaigns (i.e. push campaigns). The optimizer looks a little bit different for CPV campaigns (i.e. pop and redirects) and...
  15. Jimmy

    Mistakes made by affiliate marketers

    I wrote a post about a month ago that talked about some mistakes we all make (and some of the reasons we make them): https://afflift.com/f/threads/overcoming-fear-and-greed-in-affiliate-marketing.5128/ The 'moral' of that post is that I think it's a mistake to try to succeed in this business...
  16. Jimmy

    Difference between 0.7$ offer with 5.6$ offer? SAME FLOW

    On a very basic level, I reckon it depends on what the user is agreeing to when they click. The bigger the commitment from the user, the harder it's likely to be to convert. With this in mind, it's generally going to be easier to get someone to sign up for a $2/month subscription compared to a...
  17. Jimmy

    EvaDav Follow Along Contest - $750 in Prizes - Publisher or Advertiser!

    Here we go: https://afflift.com/f/threads/ppv-v-evadav-cpa-push-subscribers-take-2.5338/
  18. Jimmy

    Guide Understanding tracking links and postback URLs

    I'm really glad to hear that. When the concept clicked for me it was a cool feeling. That was only about a year ago for me but I still remember how hard it was to understand. Now I'm like iced half caff ristretto venti 4-pump sugar free cinnamon dolce soy skinny latte. It's amazing how our minds...
  19. Jimmy

    Follow Along Back with another follow-along! Tier 1 Casino- CPA offer

    Looks like you're :ROFLMAO: all the way to the bank with your decision to try email. Nice work. Added to my to-do list: "Re-read varunkeskar's ebook and start testing out gambling offers and email"