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Suspecting Fake Traffic from iOS Target on Propellerads


Jun 5, 2022
Hi everyone,

I ran a campaign on Propellerads targeting iOS users in the US/UK/NZ dating markets a few hours ago. This was my first time running iOS in-page push traffic here, and I quickly got nearly 1500 clicks. My creatives performed decently with a CTR of 3.84%, but my landing page CTR was shockingly low at just 0.14%. For a single-page LP with just one button and content that’s highly aligned with the creatives, this seems pretty unlikely to me.

At first, I thought there might be an issue with my landing page settings. However, I double-checked everything multiple times, and the tracker configuration for this campaign looks fine. The landing page loading speed is also great. I also noticed that my tracker showed over 1000 clicks without any IP data, which makes me suspect that most of the iOS traffic here might be bot traffic. Then i switched the target to Desktop for further test, and the LP CTR improved significantly within a short time, this comparison shows that there isn’t a major issue with my landing page.

I reached out to Propellerads support, and although they provided several explanations, none of them really addressed my
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