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Conversion Tracking



Super Contributor
Sep 21, 2021
Hey everyone, wondering if I could get some advice on some conversion tracking.

My current set up I have 2 conversions goals. Number 1 being submit lead form which you guessed it, tracks leads submits on my form. Number 2 is an offline conversions which uploads affiliate conversion revenue to Google.

The possible issue I am having is that if I have both goals set as 'Primary' leads submits and affiliate conversions get reported in the same conversions column inside of Google. As seen in the image below. 182 leads submits and then 26 affiliate conversions.
View attachment 15418

The other option, which I have currently have set up now is having my lead submits goal as 'primary' goal and my offline conversions goal set as 'secondary'. Which as you can see in the image below are now reporting separately. The conversions column is the number of leads that I am getting and the all conversions value column is the revenue from affiliate conversions.
View attachment 15419

Now the problem I think I have recently notice, maybe I am wrong but having both goals report separately, google doesn't know what leads are producing what revenue and vice versa. This came to my attention when
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