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Guide SEO in nutra: how to get leads with the highest approve and minimal investment



Super Contributor
Apr 3, 2020
While talking on forums with newcomers, experienced SEO-webmasters like to joke that “there is no money in SEO”. But everyone who is somehow connected with the world of affiliate marketing knows that it isn’t true, especially it is well understood by representatives of gambling affiliates, among whom seo-webmasters are especially valued. But there is a true version of this joke, supplemented by one small detail that changes everything:

“There is no FAST money in SEO”

Indeed, the threshold of entry into this source of time and technical indicators is much higher than that of PPC, targeting or native advertising, and for this reason SEO as a source is not suitable for all affiliates. This is generally understandable. At first glance, it is much faster and easier to raise money by cheating with first billing in India on CPL than to spend days working on texts, techniques and links waiting for months for the first leads. And that's why SEO still has a lot of low-competitive areas - popular ones in affiliate marketing, such as dating or nutra - which we are going to discuss in this manual.

Everyone knows that SEO traffic is very valuable in
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