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Guide Here we back ☀️ How to run Facebook ads + cpa +100% ROI

OfferGate - Sooooo many offers for your traffic


Grand Guru
Aug 11, 2021


it has been long time since my last post , cuz i was cooking something hot 🔥😂 Get ready with me ! ...​


What we will learn ?​

1 - Setup a strong structure ad accounts

2 - Select an offer to promote
3 - Finding good landing page
4 - Setup FB pixel and "tracker" pixel
5 - Creatives
6 - First campaign " Test campaign "
7 - Reading Data
8 - Scaling " if it possible "

Requirements 🛠️..​

1 - Hosting , i am using interserver for more than 2 years and it's working smoothly $2.5 first month then 7/m , Signup from my Ref. link 😇
2 - Domain " Namecheap is Good "
3 - Bemob or any tracker " i am using Bemob"

That's all what we need , See you in the first Section " Setup a strong structure ad accounts "​

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