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Recent content by filthyRichFreddy

  1. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 13 - The END, but really the BEGINNING?

    :D:):( :cautious:☹😔 😖 😩 😪 😢 😭
  2. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 13 - The END, but really the BEGINNING?

    WooHoo! I LOVE VIDEO. that would be great. Well, send me a big fat check for $800 bucks -- the Black Friday discount price -- and I will produce a decent-looking video series for you based on this POPs Guide :) 100% white label, my name won't show up anywhere and you get all the credit -- you...
  3. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    54¢ profits on your first attempt... you BASTARD!!!
  4. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    This upper-level view shows you the aggregate results, @Anan28 including any profits that might be present at deeper levels but got cancelled out by the overwhelming losing majority. But if this is Round 1, the total campaign profitability "should" be negative, because you have not yet...
  5. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

    @Sherriee , you don't have an avatar picture... let me know, and I'll make one for you. What or who do you want to be? Animal, human, cartoon... send a pic of yourself and I'll do my magic. Welcome to affLIFT! 🥳🎉
  6. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    My question wasn't with regards to volume of traffic anyone generates. I just wasn't aware that an affiliate could ask the link tracker company to host the tracker on a faster server owned by the affiliate. Sounds like this scenario is inevitable, "Dear Mr. Link Tracker software company, your...
  7. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    Hi @Frrrunkis , I'm new to the game but I have a big fat 🧠 brain so, I would guess that an expectation of consistent profits -- even from a highly optimized campaign -- is unreasonable. Consider, for example, that Time of Day can affect the magnitude of your gains. Users might engage with the...
  8. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    Ok. Thanks for sharing that, meat eater. My life now has goals: to get sooo profitable that I run my tracker through a cloud server, which sends data through Elon Musk's new StarLink satellite constellation 🤠
  9. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    I thought we're throwing money at popads and the traffic flies at the speed of light between traffic and offer... no hosted landing page of ours involved in between that. what's all this talk about servers being too slow, @k@rnivore & @Nick ?
  10. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    😁 Oh, boy! ...I hope I get SO GOOD at this mobipium-popads thing, that I can buy my first 🏡 house without a downpayment, in the next 3 months!! (having filthy rich dreams) 🥴
  11. filthyRichFreddy

    "The best campaigns for 2020?" MaxBounty from Charles

    Charles explains the business model inside the free webinar (aka, sales pitch). Nothing new: build a list, then promote similar offers within that vertical. They do high-payout offers in lead generation niche, like auto insurance quotes and real estate stuff. All lead gen, and you lost money...
  12. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

    ...I think he's referring to the variable payout nature of these SmartLink offers, @mck . Because the payout is unpredictable, you lose some control over the stability of your revenue. It's like trying to hit a baseball by swinging a rubber bat instead of a solid metal/wood bat... the harder you...
  13. filthyRichFreddy

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    yes. It's called "Sixth-Sense" by BeMob. It turns green/red for winners/losers respectively, for all emerging conversions. This is simple arithmetic, as it accumulates my conversions. No fancy-pants statistical algorithms necessary. It's something which BeMob is already currently capable of...