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CPA Live

  • Link owner MokumAds
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CPA Live
If your traffic comes from multiple geos, it would make sense to work with a CPA network that has offers for any corner of the world. One choice is CPA Live.

As its name suggests, CPA Live is an affiliate network that pays affiliates on a CPA basis. They are currently headquartered in Amsterdam, although they also have team members spread throughout the world.


CPA Live - Affiliate Network for Your Future​

Hundreds of Offers​

CPA Live has more than 500 offers on its platform. You'll be able to find one based on the vertical you want to specialize in or the type of traffic you want to use. Their offer categories include:
  • CC submits
  • CPL
  • Dating
  • VOD
Their top offers fall under Sweepstakes CC submits. Each offer has specific marketing requirements you need to follow. While some can be run immediately once your account is activated, others require you to apply first and wait for the approval.

Dedicated Support​

Each publisher has an affiliate manager that is dedicated to helping the affiliate find success in his marketing efforts. As the managers themselves are affiliates as well or have been in the past, they know exactly what to do to guide you. In CPA.Live’s own words, their affiliate manager’s KPI is the affiliate's ROI.

If you need help in finding the best offers for your traffic type and geo source, or if you have questions about the terms of certain offers, you can reach out to your account manager through email or Skype.


Constant Innovation​

This network believes that being one step ahead or at least on par with other networks is necessary to stay ahead of the game. This is why they have more than 25 developers working together to consistently improve processes and develop new innovations on their platform for marketing, fraud prevention, and ad delivery.

Reliable Tracking System​

CPA Live uses an affiliate tracking program called Everflow to help both affiliates and advertisers properly monitor the state of their marketing promotions. Integrating your ad network or third-party tracking tool can be done in a few clicks.

The platform is pretty user-friendly. Once you log in, you will be taken to the dashboard where you will have a quick view of your stats. Data cards of every important metric such as clicks, revenue, conversions, conversion rate, events, and event rate are placed at the top so you can see them at a glance.

You also have the option to rearrange the items so you will have a quick view of stats that matter to you. With accurate statistics and actionable information, publishers are able to analyze their data and make appropriate adjustments to improve their results.


CPA Live Payment Options​

To be able to withdraw your earnings, you must have earned at least a thousand dollars. Payments are sent on a bi-monthly basis via PayPal and wire transfers. They also support other payout options; just reach out to your affiliate manager for assistance on this matter.

Affiliates who perform well and reach $5,000 of revenue can be bumped to weekly payments, subject to the affiliate manager's discretion.

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