Hello everyone, PDL-Profit here – a CPA Network with more than 300 financial offers worldwide and daily profit payouts. Today we are going to tell you about the most effective ways of generating traffic to payday loan offers, what sources of traffic, as well as what types of offers are better to use in combination.

In addition, we will take a detailed look at how to generate traffic from Facebook and share our experience and practical tips that will help you optimize costs and get maximum profit!

SEO-traffic + CPS-offers

In this case, CPS-offers work well: the payment to the affiliate will be for the loan issued. Working with this type of traffic gives a good profit in the long term, but this source of traffic is long enough to develop, because to SEO site began to bring income, you need to spend more than one month.

Top-hot CPS-offers from PDL-Profit:
  1. Horacredit RO CPS
  2. Digido PH APP CPS (Android)
  3. Credito365 MX
The plus side is that you don't need an advertising budget* to work, just create a website and fill it out, and then by keyword phrases try to get the site into the top 10. When the site starts to be in the top 10 for queries, people will find it and leave loan applications.
*you don't need an advertising budget to work" - this doesn't mean you won't need a budget at all. It all depends on how quickly you want to see results. Expenses will go towards promotion than creating such a site. Purchasing a drop domain, buying links, creating content are the main expenses.

The big advantage of this traffic is its quality. The scheme of traffic generation through SEO visually looks as follows👇

PUSH traffic

In this combinations, the best options for monetization are CPL-offers, as they provide profits in the short term.

PDL-Profit's top hot CPL-offers:
  1. OceanCredit RO
  2. Digido PH APP CPL (Android)
  3. Finteres CO
  4. Cayvang VN
The scheme of traffic generation is quite simple: after the database has been collected, the mailing starts, the target audience gets to the site showcase with offers, from which they can choose the most suitable for themselves. Then the traffic gets to the advertiser's site and either fulfills the terms of the offer, or not. How to make a quality showcase site we have previously described in our article.


In this case, CPL-offers and CPL+CPS, i.e. hybrid offers, work well. One of the key advantages is that traffic can be easily scaled. But there are also disadvantages: in the moment the result can be negative, and the extra profit can be obtained only by working with extra monetization of traffic with the help of Email mailings and sms.

TOP-hot CPL+CPS-offers from PDL-Profit:
  1. Digido CPL+CPS PH
  2. Credit Prime RO
The case works in this way: the target audience sees an advertisement on Facebook and leaves their contact information. Then the user is redirected to the advertiser's website, where he can apply for a loan. If the user has not made a targeted action, has not left an application on the advertiser's site, you can try to convert him via Email or SMS by sending him an offer from another advertiser.

Variants of testing offers on Facebook​

Scheme 1-1-1​

One ad campaign - one group of ads - one advertisement​

This option is great if you already have a proven banner and want to focus on a specific audience. This approach allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your ads as accurately as possible and get more accurate data on their performance.

Scheme 1-3-1​

One ad campaign - three groups of ads - one ad​

This scheme allows you to check how one ad works with different groups of people. Thus, you can determine which audience responds best to your ads and brings more conversions.

Scheme 1-1-3​

One ad campaign - one group of ads - three ads​

Using 1-1-3, you can test which of several ads works best with your target audience. However, training such an ad campaign will take longer, and the results may be less consistent. You will need to closely monitor the effectiveness of each ad and disable those that show poor results.

Scheme 1-3-3​

One ad campaign - three groups of ads - three ads​

This approach allows you to understand which ads work best with different segments of your target audience. However, successful testing of such ads requires additional time for training and monitoring of results. The advantage is that you can see in one advertising cabinet "full" statistics on different banners and texts. As well as how they behave with different target audiences, identify what converts better and leave only certain ad sets enabled.


One of the most easily scalable sources of traffic is, of course, Facebook. This way of generating traffic is faster to implement than the above mentioned options, but there can be problems with this traffic source as well: fickleness of the source itself, such as bans, or problems with finding an audience. In one of our previous articles we have already discussed how to generate traffic to financial offers from Facebook, you can read it here.

Also, if you are interested in financial offers, we have analyzed the types of offers and how to promote them better in this article.

Finance is one of the most stable and in-demand verticals in all of affiliate marketing. Offer promotion here is seasonally independent, and the customer lifecycle is much higher than in other niches. In addition, there are high payouts, reputable brands, and a wide range of offers with different target actions, from filling out a questionnaire to issuing loans.

Constant demand, high rates, no bans and the ability of advertisers to buy any volume of traffic make this vertical very profitable and popular among publishers. And although the most popular niche offerer is payday loans, the financial vertical itself does not end with payday loans. You can find crypto-offers, consumer loans, business loans, debit cards and more at PDL-Profit.

If you want to earn money in affiliate marketing — get in touch with PDL-Profit — a CPA network specializing in banks, loans and crypto exchanges offers:
✔️300+ Pay Day Loan offers — USA, India, Philippines, Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe;
✔️Instant 0-day payments! Withdraw your profits as early as minutes after it shows up in your affiliate dashboard. (Minimum threshold $50.);
✔️Bonus payout bumps for big traffic volumes, +5% to your profit for 1 month (Payments via PayPal, Payoneer, Tether, Webmoney, Visa, Mastercard etc.).

You’ll get access to these CR-boosting tools:
🔥SMS-Sender service: Lets you send 4000 free SMS messages per month to potential leads. Just enter the number and the text message and hit send!
🔥Showcase builder: Can increase your CR by up to 30%! We have full history on each borrower, and will customize the offers we show to each person.
🔥Smartlink: Increases CR by up to 150%! Our intelligent algorithm will analyze every user, and show him the most relevant offers with the best chance of conversion.
🔥API Integration

3k satisfied affiliates are already working with us! Ready to join us?