Dating is a dynamic and growing vertical in affiliate marketing, constantly evolving with new products and approaches. Compared to other verticals, dating has a relatively low entry threshold. Media buyers can work with a large number of sources to attract users: SEO, Google, display, paid and free social, and more.

Facebook Ads is one of the top 5 traffic sources in dating today. My name is Yulia, I am a middle affiliate manager at Cpamatica, and today I will share my experience and perspective on Facebook traffic from the point of view of an affiliate manager.

I have been working in the company for almost two years and can confidently say that the trend of running dating campaigns with FB is increasing. Beginners choose to start in affiliate marketing with this source because there are many courses that teach basic knowledge and methods to move forward. In addition, many partners are switching from other niches to dating, particularly from nutra, gambling, and sweepstakes. This is due to changes in verticals and teams simply wanting to expand their business and earn more.

Advantages of Facebook Ads for Dating​

The main advantage of paid advertising on Facebook is:
  • Quality of traffic;
  • Ability to analyze and optimize campaigns based on a sufficient number of parameters;
  • Ability to test many geographies;
  • Generate a large number of leads if the target audience is found that pays off on the product.
Advertisers are willing to pay x2 rates from the default for such traffic. Thus, it is a never-ending field in which buyers have free space and opportunities to create profitable campaigns and influence the result.

Everyone loves numbers, so I will immediately give an example of one of my experienced partners. This is an individual buyer who can generate 300 or more leads daily in the US with an average rate of $7, approximately $2000 in daily revenue.

P.S. The data is real but conditional, as the conversion rate depends on the offer model (SOI/DOI) and the type of product monetization (click monetization, coin-based, or subscription).

Among my partners, there are also switchers who quickly achieved positive ROI with FB traffic. Our new partners at Cpamatica, who previously worked with nutra, made 1800 conversions in the US and UK within 10 days and achieved a total revenue of $10,000 with an ROI of +15%.

Insights and Features of Launching FB on Dating​

Each niche has its own traffic flow characteristics, so I will share my observations from the manager's perspective when working with partners.


Facebook has about eleven ad placement formats. Everything is case-by-case, but in my experience, the best formats are Video, Carousel, Slideshow, and Instant Experience. Image format can also work with excellent creatives and pre-warming the audience using pre-landers or quizzes. It is important to test several approaches initially, then analyze which placement shows the best conversion from click to registration (C2R), and get feedback from the manager about the traffic quality.

Case Example​

With a solo partner who switched from nutra, we used testing methods to find a great offer for him with a target EPC. After driving about 1000 leads to the US, the advertiser stopped the campaign due to low traffic quality. But we didn't give up. Through prolonged communication with the advertiser, I managed to agree on a retest for the partner on this offer, provided we changed the traffic approach. The partner used three different placement formats with the same creative in a split test, and it yielded results - about 5000 leads in the US with $25,000 revenue in 30 days. Split tests, campaign analysis, and communication with the manager are the keys to finding an effective combination for both parties.

If you have experience in other verticals but want to switch to dating – register at Cpamatica.

Flow Promotion​

Landing pages are an integral part of driving Facebook traffic to dating. They can be divided into 4 types:
  • Pre-landers,
  • Quiz,
  • PWA (progressive web app),
  • Applications.
In my experience, all four types can work effectively. I'll start with the more complex ones. Considering applications, passing app moderation in markets is currently difficult, so I can't recommend this approach for beginners or switchers without experience working with apps.

PWA can provide high-quality traffic, and advertisers are willing to pay x2 from the default for such traffic in various geographies. In my experience, most partners who used PWA received excellent feedback, and I negotiated higher rates for them. For example, one of my partners received an increased rate from 1 euro to 4 in Portugal, which is x4.

The most common approach is using pre-landers and quizzes. Pre-landers can provide additional product information or user reviews. A quiz is a more interactive form with several questions to better understand audience needs and characteristics. Both flows warm up the audience, allowing you to get the most targeted users and, as a result, higher rates and caps.

Examples of Quizzes​




Preparing creatives is an important stage for a successful campaign. Initially, I recommend:

Using spy services to see how other buyers are running their campaigns. You can try paid services like PowerAdSpy, Adspy, Social Ad Scout, or free ones like BigSpy, AdEspresso, and the Facebook library. Besides, analyzing the offer you plan to run will help understand the product's target audience for setting up the campaign by segments (age, gender, interests, location).

Facebook traffic is best paid off in dating on coin-based products. These products require the user to purchase coins/credits to message other users, upgrade their account, etc.

For such offers, the target audience is males aged 35+, so you can use photos of women aged 30 and above, as men want to find women for real communication. The appearance of women in creatives is important; for US geos, it is better to use photos with natural beauty, minimal makeup, and no plastic surgery.



Personal Recommendations​


The most popular geography in dating is the US, so the CPM cost will be high. If you are a beginner with a small and limited budget, I recommend considering alternative countries to start with.

Germany, France, Italy, and Spain currently convert well. Belgium and Austria are good geography choices for focus, but CPM can also be expensive. Additionally, consider less popular geos like Portugal, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, and Romania. Given the lower demand in these geos, the cost of views will be lower, and accordingly, a smaller budget for testing.


Initially, I recommend testing several offers with different monetization models for one geo. The most targeted type for Facebook traffic is coin-based, but I have partners who successfully run click monetization, subscription, and hybrid models.

Talk to your manager to choose the top offers for a specific geo. Trust them, as the manager has expertise from the partner/advertiser side and statistics. Be open and let them know what approximate EPC you need to achieve. We can negotiate a higher rate for you after the test, provided the advertiser's traffic quality is good. For Cpamatica’s affiliate managers, the result of each partner is important, so transparent relationships will help achieve a profitable EPC.

Finally, for those planning to start their path in affiliate marketing in general and for switchers from other verticals, I want to emphasize several factors for successful work with dating. It is not rocket science, but these are moments from my experience that not everyone considers at the start.

It is important to do an initial analysis of how to run campaigns, what funnels and creatives to use, allocate a budget and time for tests, talk to the manager, and get advice on offers that perform well for others. Secondly, focus is everything. Test at least three offers for one geo to understand where your flow works best and with which product model your perfect match will be.

If you have dating traffic – reach out to our manager Yulia!

Skype – live:.cid.bdfd15db7e88b39c
Telegram – @yulia_cpamatica