Click fraud, fake conversions, and sneaky scammers can feel like an ever-present threat in affiliate marketing. Here at Trafee, we've got your back — this guide equips you with the knowledge to become a fraud-fighting pro.

We'll uncover the secrets of affiliate fraud, show you how to identify it and unveil the tactics Trafee uses to keep campaigns transparent and highly convertible. Let’s go!

What’s Fraud Anyway?​

In the world of affiliates, fraud means low-quality traffic that doesn't bring publishers or advertisers any real value or profit. Such tactics often involve fake website visits or inflating data for personal gain.

So, what’s fraudster traffic? Think of someone using automated scripts, masking techniques, or manual registrations to create fake visitors. Their target is to mess up the real volume and traffic quality. In fact, a recent incident involved someone trying to bypass our security with proxy and VPN traffic — well, not today, folks!
Fraudsters often mix fake traffic with real visitors, making it hard for advertisers and affiliates to see the true picture. This can hurt campaign effectiveness and cause partners to leave the program. And we don’t want it, right?

Now, to the main question — who do we call fraudsters, what kind of tools do they use, and how do we detect them?

Fraud Suspects: A Line-Up​

These online schemers work in the shadows of the digital world. From website administrators to affiliates and even some malicious actors, their motives are clear: to turn a quick profit, often at your price.


Cookie Dropping (or Cookie Stuffing)​

While affiliates earn commissions by referring customers to businesses, some sneaky characters try to steal those commissions. They do this by planting fake cookies in your browser that make it look like they sent you to the business, even if you never heard of them. The result is that they get the credit (and the cash) for a sale you never have made anyway.

Click Fraud​

Deceptive clicks, achieved through automated scripts or bots, mimic real users and inflate your CTR. This surge in numbers might create the illusion of booming traffic, but the truth is far less exciting.

Fake Conversions and Leads​

Some scammers might try to act like big stars, showing you phoney interest in your product or service. They aim to get a reward without ever being genuine customers. They might even fill out phoney forms or download useless apps for the show. But watch out – they aim to take all your profits away, leaving you empty-handed.

Domain Spoofing​

Cyber tricksters are experts at creating genuine websites designed to lure you in and steal your information. So, stay vigilant, and don't be deceived!

Ad Stacking​

Have you ever clicked on an ad only to be hit by a wave of additional ads trying to grab your attention? That's the sneaky tactic behind ad stacking.

The South Side of Affiliate Marketing​

The allure of quick gains can be a slippery slope, even for affiliates. Some might be tempted to boost their results, sending conversions and clicks that aren’t genuine. This, in particular, harms the advertiser financially and vanishes the affiliates' reputations.


Here's a breakdown of the most common fraudulent traffic schemes in our experience:
  • Bot traffic: Fake users created by automated programs generate fake web traffic. This can be done using simple scripts or large networks of hacked devices.
  • Motivated traffic: These individuals are willing to take a specific action with the promise of a reward. For example, they might be offered a discount code or a free product in exchange for clicking on an affiliate link or signing up for a service.
  • Install-farms: Phishers can trick people into installing harmful apps by offering rewards or taking advantage of weaknesses in real platforms.
  • Multi-accounting: A schemer creates a network of fake accounts with unique browser profiles and IP addresses to use referral programs. They then use these accounts to follow their referral link and complete the desired action.

Real-World Examples of Fraud​

Let's peel back the layers and see how fraudsters work in the real world to gain valuable insights into their tactics.

Love in the Time of Clickbait​

Imagine swiping through a dating app, excited, only to find out your perfect match is... an ad? Tricky affiliates might make fake profiles of beautiful people to get users to click a link. But your dream date disappears as quickly as a wrong swipe. You get annoyed when the advertiser loses money.

This sneaky trick, made to increase clicks and sign-ups, ends in heartbreak (and no profit) for the affiliate. Some affiliate networks might think this is okay, saying some people stay on the site and even sign up. But it's a way to lose user trust and hurt everyone.

iGaming: Where Fun Meets Foul Play​

The world of iGaming thrives on a delicate balance. On one hand, it's a thrilling playground for players. On the other hand, it's a competitive arena with strict rules for affiliates and advertisers. Here's where things can get a little...tricky.

Imagine walking into a casino with a suitcase full of counterfeit chips. That's the equivalent of sending traffic from shady websites. These sites often violate advertising regulations, putting affiliates and advertisers at risk.

Think of it this way: advertisers value their brand image. If they discover their traffic originates from questionable sources, forget commissions – affiliates might get banned altogether.

Trafee: The Anti-Fraud Experts You Can Trust.​

We have a keen eye for spotting anything suspicious, so we keep your audience genuine and your data clean. Even though some traffic might get flagged, it's all part of ensuring the best quality for your content and higher revenue.

How do we do it? Our anti-fraud system spots fishy clicks as fast as possible. We watch everything from clicks and IP addresses to how long users stick around and where they're browsing from across different times and locations. We can even detect virtual tricks like proxies, device emulators, and VPNs—all popular haunts for fraudulent activity.

The essential advantage of partnering with us is that our meticulous filtering keeps low-quality traffic at bay, ensuring only the most engaged users reach our advertisers. This translates directly to more revenue for you, our valued publishers! Simply put, the more real traffic you provide, the more we reward you.
This knowledge and these resources will help you combat fraud and advance your campaigns. Check your traffic sources and look for unusual activities. You can increase your earnings by blocking unfair practices, using special tools, and taking action. We at Trafee are committed to open communication and supporting your success.
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