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Useful Scripts for Landers


Super Contributor
May 11, 2018

Can you please help me with following scripts for landing pages

1: Showing/inserting user country and city name in lander based on user location
2: Exit pop-up: show user a message to stay on the page when they click on close button
3: Pop-under: open a pop up behind user current window/tab when user click on anywhere on lander
4: text to speech: A script for speak out "text message" when page loaded
5: Bot detection script: A script to detect if impressions coming from bot
6: Redirect script: A redirect script to redirect user to a new offer/landing page after a custom set time (for example redirect user to a new page if he/she not click on page for 5 mins)
7: A counter script: A script to show a counter on page showing how much time left for user to take action and then reset again to start time if user not taking action in set time (For example if timer is set to 5 mins and user is not clicking on landing page for 5 mins then timer reset back to 5 mins.)
8: Back Button redirect: A script to redirect
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