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A warning about HostGator

Galaksion Contest


Jun 4, 2018
Hi Everyone.

I haven't been very active in marketing for a few years now, so I don't know if HostGator is still a company used regularly. That said I've been a customer of theirs since I started working with Luke in 2012 or 2013. A few hours ago I received an email from them claiming my account has been reported for "phishing", and they were shutting down access to all sites on my account until this was resolved. They also listed a specific domain.

I found this odd for a few reasons. First of all, I've never even had an email capture on a page that I've done, much less engaged in anything that could be considered phishing. I have not owned the domain in question for about 5 years or more, it is currently available for registration. I do still have the original webpages on my account, but there's no way to access them other than my cPanel.

I logged into my cPanel to see if there was something weird going on. I go to the mentioned pages to see if maybe someone had logged into my account and changed something. I can't find anything out
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