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  1. Ankitpal888

    $1000 Giveaway for the Holidays!

  2. Ankitpal888

    Monetize Your Student Traffic with an EPC of $7.2

    What will be the best traffic source for essay writing offers? Because I think it couldn't work with pop and push ads.
  3. Ankitpal888

    Guide How to make money with mobile IVRs and Traffic Company

    I will definitely try Push traffic networks. But I would like to test IVR offers on pop ads right now. Will those offers convert well on pop ad format? What does it happens during the call? What type of voice recording will the user listen during the call? So, I will make creatives and...
  4. Ankitpal888

    PropellerAds Follow Along Contest with HUGE Prizes Is Back ($13000) #PA24

    Here is a link to my follow-along:
  5. Ankitpal888

    Guide The Ultimate Guide to Clickloss

    Great guide, Yesterday, one of my pop campaigns received around 3300 visits, the tracker received around 2100 visits, and the affiliate network received only 330 visits. It was around 90% clickloss for my direct-linking campaign.
  6. Ankitpal888

    Guide Monetizer's top offers: What's Running Behind the Scenes! JULY 2024

    Great Guide!! How can I also do it? How can I create the same landing page as the offer preview and redirect them to several offers? I am also using this type of offer and it can also redirect to different VPNs.
  7. Ankitpal888

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    Why is it necessary to setup a postback URL for collecting push subs? How can it be useful?
  8. Ankitpal888

    Comment by 'Ankitpal888' in article 'Insights from Multiple VPN Campaigns: What We’ve Learned'

    I am also promoting VPN offers. Which VPN is giving $150 for purchase(CPS) campaigns??
  9. Ankitpal888

    New Intermediate Course (2.0)

    Awesome!! Thanks, @Luke and @Nick for providing a new course to us. I hope this course will be useful for everyone.
  10. Ankitpal888

    $600 Giveaway for our 6th Birthday!

  11. Ankitpal888

    Happy 6th Birthday, affLIFT!

    Congratulations 🎉👏🎉
  12. Ankitpal888

    Introducing the Beginners Course 2.0

    It would be very helpful for newbies.
  13. Ankitpal888

    🏆 Peak Award Winners for 2023

    Congrats to all winners!🏆