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  1. T

    Codex JavaScript Sandbox (OpenAI for coding)

    This is some next level stuff... Checked it out - gonna project all landings with this Chat, for real! And the Codex Sandbox is also alright, I would see it as a help for those who want to actually learn javascript.
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    Spooky Contest - Vote For Your Favorite Follow Along

    Good luck to every participant. Although, we all are already winners so congratulations. I hope you all will upkeep your FA's afterwards. 😊
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    Spooky $3k Contest - $1k for the BEST Follow Along

    Encouraged by Luke, here is my entry Let's all learn during this event!
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    Spooky $3k Contest - $1k for the BEST Follow Along

    Is this contest only about positive ROI follow alongs or everyone qualifies?