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  1. h1c

    Mistakes made by affiliate marketers

    Topic updated
  2. h1c

    Mistakes made by affiliate marketers

    Here are some posts talking about AM mistakes : 5 Mistakes You Need To Avoid While Optimizing Your Campaigns [VIDEO] From newbie mistakes to $$$$ campaigns: Voluum Push notifications [WEBINAR]: TOP 7 Mistakes that are Killing your Push Notification сampaigns
  3. h1c

    Mistakes made by affiliate marketers

    "It's good to learn from their mistakes, but it's better to learn from others mistakes." There are many topics talking about mistakes to avoid. Maybe, it would be of use to compile these posts in a single one (with keeping sources/references).
  4. h1c

    What's the longest Push campaign you ran profitable?

    Which book ? Try many traffic sources with one affiliate network (to see which ones fit for your verticals), instead of driving traffic to many affiliate networks from a single traffic source !
  5. h1c

    What's the longest Push campaign you ran profitable?

    Which traffic sources are you using ? You have also to split test between many LPs to see which one converts better. The winning formula : - Good offer - Good LP - Suitable traffic source
  6. h1c

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    For me, the maximum done, after optimization, is $3 of revenue for $1 spent per day. The process is so slow, and payouts decrease for the same GEO. Also a profitable GEO in the beginning becomes in red after. So we have to test again. The behavior of smartlinks is totally random. So it's never...
  7. h1c

    Step 13 - The END, but really the BEGINNING?

    Hi, The guide is very useful for complete beginners. But as you have said in the introduction post we cannot be rich following this guide (or at least for making a consistent income). What if you create another guide for intermediates or uper intermediates covering all aspects of affiliate...
  8. h1c

    Mistakes made by affiliate marketers

    Hi, What if we build a list of mistakes to avoid for beginners and also for advanced affilaite marketers.. So what mistakes have you made in affiliate marketing ? PS: If there are many replies, we can gather these mistakes in a single post (to be updated as long as there are more) EDIT ...