ProPush.Me is a platform for monetizing traffic with push subscriptions
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  1. Abdullah Asim

    Comment by 'Abdullah Asim' in article 'How to run affiliate campaigns on Google Ads'

    @Laurent Thank you so much for the detailed answer. It makes everything clear. Definitely in my to-do list. I will surely hit you up if i need more help :)
  2. Abdullah Asim

    Comment by 'Abdullah Asim' in article 'How to run affiliate campaigns on Google Ads'

    Great post! I have been learning about anytrack and now i am really thinking to give it a try soon. However, i seem to be a bit confused about how would you be able to "Track the entire customer journey" as an affiliate marketer (since you dont have access to the analytics installed at the site...
  3. Abdullah Asim

    Comment by 'Abdullah Asim' in article 'Don't Miss Out! 6 Reasons Why You Should Use A Spy Tool'

    I think Ad spy tools are a great way to get past the learning phase of your campaigns and they can potentially save you a lot of your budget which would be spent on acquiring information that the ad spy tool can provide you with in a few minutes.