Interests-based targeting, direct traffic sources, over 73 billion impressions, mainstream and non-mainstream traffic - all this is about HilltopAds!

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  1. L

    About skro facebook api

    Hi, I run offers with and facebook ads, the facebook cost and the conversion can show in the skro, but in facebook ads I can not find any conversion I put the the link like...
  2. L

    about adcash delete account

    Hi, I running adcash 2 years ago,I think I have $500 in my account, but when I login now ,It shows can not find the information, can you help me? @Adcash
  3. L

    redtrack Tracking Integration,urgent!

    Hi, can you help me? we are running monetizer offers with propellerads and redtrack. the post back put in monetizer is{clickID}&sum={amount} the offer put in the redtrack we add &np=1&cid={clickid} the propellerads postback put in redtrack is...