Notifadz by Adrenalead
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Search results

  1. SunTime

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    @PartnersHouse I've encountered two instances where your LP domain I used was flagged by GSB, resulting in my ad campaigns being banned. As far as I know, other users have also experienced this. Is there any way to reduce the occurrence of such issues? When I first encountered this flagging...
  2. SunTime

    Comment by 'SunTime' in article 'Improving POP traffic analysis: a new approach with custom events'

    Hello, after inserting code into the webpage, I found that the code is not working. Can you tell me the reason? I have copied the tracking script, paste it into <head>...</head> section of my lander's HTML. I have also created a custom goal on Maxconv. I copied the code and paste it into...
  3. SunTime

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    I know, for lazy people like me, with this feature, I no longer need to use Purelander to rip their LPs (I found that they have several LPs with high subscription rates), modify the code, and add various scripts. This is a job that drives non professionals crazy:ROFLMAO:
  4. SunTime

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    @PartnersHouse Recently, Propush has updated a new feature: Back button. This is great. Do you have plans to launch similar features?
  5. SunTime

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    Here is my Follow Along post:
  6. SunTime

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    thanks,can you provide me with some original code for LP?
  7. SunTime

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    Do all LPs support it? I don't know why, but when I opened it, there was no Traditional Chinese or Indonesian
  8. SunTime

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    Can your landing pages display the corresponding language based on the language of the user's browser? If not, I think adding this feature is a good idea.
  9. SunTime

    Partners.House Follow Along Contest - $5000 in Prizes

    The initial setup was somewhat complicated
  10. SunTime

    Are you making consistent profits with Pops/Push?

    If you aren't in such dire need of money, then I also agree with your wife's point of view—after all, your salary is already very high.
  11. SunTime

    Are you making consistent profits with Pops/Push?

    @Einstein Answer this question
  12. SunTime

    Are you making consistent profits with Pops/Push?

    Haha, you have given me confidence
  13. SunTime

    $600 Giveaway for our 6th Birthday!

  14. SunTime

    Happy 6th Birthday, affLIFT!

    Happy birthday! Thanks to Luke, thanks to the Community Leaders and other forum members for their selfless dedication!
  15. SunTime

    Guide mVAS 101: Ultimate Guide to Mobile Content Offers

    Thank you, looking forward to your update.
  16. SunTime

    Anything Goes Contest - Vote For Your Favorite Follow Along

    The competition is over now, and during this process, I learned a lot, failed a few times, and eventually even ran a campaign that seemed profitable, but my skills are just not there yet, and I still haven't been able to consistently achieve a green ROI. I'll be honest, I voted for myself, haha...
  17. SunTime

    Follow Along Contest - Anything Goes - $2500 in Prizes

    Can mine also participate? :) record-of-a-newbies-first-campaign