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Galaksion Contest
  1. Anan28

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    Hey Guys, Here is my failure result: I followed Luke's guide exactly step by step. The only difference is I ran offers from other network (with specific links) as I am not approved by @MOBIPIUM even after 10 days. Can anybody give an idea what went wrong that there is not a single conversion?
  2. Anan28

    Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

    Hey Luke, It is an awesome, comprehensive and valuable guide. In fact, it has resolved all my issues I have been struggling with over the years, particularly tracking and optimizing campaigns. I hope you will be releasing more such guides with the combinations of different offers and traffic...
  3. Anan28

    Step 1 - Apply for MOBIPIUM

    My application with Mobipium is still awaiting approval.
  4. Anan28

    Step 1 - Apply for MOBIPIUM

    @Luke @MOBIPIUM - I have applied. The email used is [email protected].