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Galaksion Contest
  1. Shifu

    Step 8 - Creating Your PopAds Campaign

    Hey @Luke I followed the exact step but in the end my impressions is 46,000 whereas yours is 625000. I am bidding same amount as you are bidding. Not sure why so much of variation..
  2. Shifu

    RichPush Contest = $1k in Prizes + 15% Bonus!

    Hi @Luke Here is my first follow along post for this content. Link: https://afflift.com/f/threads/richpush-bemob-mobidea-fingers-toes-crossed-d.2954/ Thanks a lot for the opportunity. Looking forward to constructive feedback from community. Sarvesh
  3. Shifu

    RichPush Contest = $1k in Prizes + 15% Bonus!

    But can I avail 15% bonus in 2nd deposit of $150? I wanted that clarity.
  4. Shifu

    RichPush Contest = $1k in Prizes + 15% Bonus!

    Just need clarity on this, is this for the first time deposit only? Asking cause I really want to start with $50 and then if it worked out well then I would start pushing $150. And to be eligible for this content do I need to spend more than $50?
  5. Shifu

    Step 3 - Setup BeMob Account

    @Luke can we get this promo offer who already have account with BeMob and using it? I started using it past 2 weeks only
  6. Shifu

    Step 1 - Apply for MOBIPIUM

    @Luke @MOBIPIUM I have just applied.. my email is [email protected]
  7. Shifu

    "The best campaigns for 2020?" MaxBounty from Charles

    We both will be looking forward for initial help once we begin our Email journey.
  8. Shifu

    "The best campaigns for 2020?" MaxBounty from Charles

    I had attended their webinar and I am totally in love with their approach and attitude. My long run is to do whitehat offers through opt-in page and then promoting offers through email marketing. Since I don't have 2000+ $ for the course so I have to figure it out by myself. I have asked my wife...