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  1. sushiparlour

    3rd party platforms for own push notification list (other than onesignal)

    I could offer some insights such as share hurdles we face and how we overcome it. Bit too lazy to really put together a proper follow along with numbers and stuff as it is also a hassle to make sure my numbers are representative i.e. apples to apples. Thanks Luke, keep me posted and drop me a...
  2. sushiparlour

    3rd party platforms for own push notification list (other than onesignal)

    Thanks guys. Just thought I'd update to wrap this up. Plan for me is to go with https://www.truepush.com/ first (since its free) so we can get use to managing our own list and figuring out how to schedule this work into our usual team workflow. Also it would give us pros/cons idea for building...
  3. sushiparlour

    3rd party platforms for own push notification list (other than onesignal)

    @RTXPlatform - what if someone doesn't monetize on your platform and just use your push sending capability, wouldn't it result in a loss for you guys? Trying to figure out the business angle here.
  4. sushiparlour

    3rd party platforms for own push notification list (other than onesignal)

    Thanks guys for the input so far, one I'm interested in is Truepush as it is free but don't have API (which makes things harder). Main problem for us is the cost as well given that we can easily collect a large number so want something that can handle 100k subs a day without breaking the bank...
  5. sushiparlour

    3rd party platforms for own push notification list (other than onesignal)

    Wanted to check if anyone has any recommendation other than onesignal for those of us considering building out our own list? Am planning to build a small list to split test the results against existing campaigns + Monetizer etc. PS. Don't get me wrong, am quite happy with Monetizer but feel...
  6. sushiparlour

    Comment by 'sushiparlour' in article 'OGAds Review - Earn from Your Content with Content Locking'

    Are they accepting affiliates? Tried to sign up but got rejected hmm...
  7. sushiparlour

    Easy Passive Income

    Ahhh thanks for the love. I am actually just doing what I shared in this case study, no real secret by now. Otherwise it is just a ton of hardwork and setting up infrastructure to scale (i.e. hiring VAs, setting up automation tasks, the stuff affiliates usually don't want to do).