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Sending Email Submits to Multiple Mailing Accounts



Super Contributor
Sep 21, 2021
Hey guys, I wanted to see if it is possible to send email submits to multiple mailing accounts at once?

1. The first reason is to start sending the same leads I capture into Aweber to another ESP for back up purposes. Hopefully I don't lose my account but you never know and I rather have at least a back up so I don't have to start from scratch again.

2. I had the idea of also send those same leads to another list within Aweber so I can simply mail the same lead twice over from another sending domain. Test email copy being sent from different domains, test new offers to same list, rent one list out to solo ad buyers while I focus on mailing my original list. I would assume the more emails I send the more money I would make :cool:.

If anyone knows how to do this or has done this and has some insight I would love to hear
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