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Guide 😇 A "Good" Traffic Source?



Staff Member
Community Leader
May 2, 2018
By now, you probably have a better understanding on how most traffic sources function today, what kind of quality you can expect, etc.

I guess you also consider pop and push to be the lowest quality traffic type. But what makes a traffic source good?

What inspired me to write this post is a comment by @Tamas in this post. I must say I agree with some points when it comes to pop and push traffic. But again, there are many companies that sell that kind of traffic and make money. There are millions of publishers (website owners) that sell traffic to those companies and make money. And in the end there are millions of media buyers that still buy traffic from those companies and still make money. So - they may be shitty ad formats, but people are making money with them every single day.

My question is - what makes a good traffic source in your opinion? Is it the “annoying” ad type? Is it the frequency of the ad? Is it the type of offer that is being promoted? Is it the lack of fraud detection? Or something else?

Let’s start…​

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