Recent content by samueleto1

  1. samueleto1

    Follow Along PropellerAds Pops - TiltWIN

    Great!! 🙌🙌
  2. samueleto1

    Case Study EZMob Pops with Smart Push Conversions

    I know you guys have refund policy which states that "no refunds after deposit".. I'll sure to read privacy policy from today..:unsure:
  3. samueleto1

    Case Study EZMob Pops with Smart Push Conversions

    What about refund policy.. Don't you think its necessary?
  4. samueleto1

    Case Study EZMob Pops with Smart Push Conversions

    The only good thing you guys will do for advertiser is to add refund policy which almost all advertising network has. I have you guys on Skype.. Don't even know what to promote with the traffic. Nothing works with it.
  5. samueleto1

    Case Study EZMob Pops with Smart Push Conversions

    Had to follow this up but was disappointed with their traffic.. Based on the case study of tonic and ezmob.. Tonic traffic was great but ezmob traffic was something else.
  6. samueleto1

    Member Map - Coming Soon!

    Great luke.. though some people still prefer been on low key.