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Recent content by Luke

  1. Luke

    Affiliate Marketing Promo Codes and Coupons

    Updated! :D
  2. Luke

    $1000 Link Directory Contest (January 2025)

    No, I will query the database using ORDER BY RAND() :)
  3. Luke

    $1000 Link Directory Contest (January 2025)

    Using MaxConv? Leave a review! (they only have 1 so far); https://afflift.com/f/link-directory/maxconv.271/ MaxWeb also needs more reviews! https://afflift.com/f/link-directory/maxweb.184/
  4. Luke

    $1000 Link Directory Contest (January 2025)

    You can leave as many as you like. Each one is an "entry" into the contest but you can only win once ($100).
  5. Luke

    $1000 Link Directory Contest (January 2025)

    Only new ratings/reviews in the Link Directory (starting after the one I did in the example above) are going to be included in the random search (I use the database to do the search with a "starting" date).
  6. Luke

    $1000 Link Directory Contest (January 2025)

    EXAMPLE :D I just leave a review for Binom! https://afflift.com/f/link-directory/binom.19/ratings/
  7. Luke

    $1000 Link Directory Contest (January 2025)

    I like to kick off the year with a contest and since it's been awhile since we last did a Link Directory contest, let's do one right now :D I will be paying out $1000 in prizes on Friday, January 31st. All you have to do to participate to get your hands on that prize money is post a...
  8. Luke

    Step 1 - Apply for MOBIPIUM

    Great, you should be approved by Monday or Tuesday if you have not been already. If not, let us know 👍