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Recent content by DatingGroup

  1. DatingGroup

    Comment by 'DatingGroup' in article 'How to: BIGO ADS'

    What age your aduience has? You have Just In App traffic? Are you working on CPA model?
  2. Dating Group

    Dating Group

    Dating Group is a social discovery company with a portfolio of dating brands that includes, CupidMedia, and many more. The company has been around since 1993 and has acquired multiple popular dating brands since its inception. Headquartered in Malta, Dating Group has a global reach with seven offices around the globe. The company's mission is to bring people together through the power of relationships. If you’re an affiliate marketer focusing on the dating niche, joining this company’s affiliate program is a must. Dating Group Affiliates Dating Group's brands are designed to appeal to a wide range of users, from those seeking serious relationships to those looking for casual dating or hookups. With a massive database of over 140 million active users, Dating Group's brands are some of the most popular in the online dating industry. It has 45 social discovery apps and platforms that accept traffic from 100 countries worldwide. Some of its popular brands include...
  3. DatingGroup

    Comment by 'DatingGroup' in article 'Prediction for Dating vertcal in 2022'

    And I fully agree that the future is in quality traffic. People have banner blindness, so we need to learn how to get around it by making ads more native. We even have a case about it.
  4. DatingGroup

    Comment by 'DatingGroup' in article 'Prediction for Dating vertcal in 2022'

    I completely agree with the respondents. As a Direct Dating Advertiser, I see that the number of users has not collapsed since the pandemic. People have tasted how convenient and safe it is to be online. And it gives a powerful impetus to the industry.