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Recent content by dannyfranco

  1. dannyfranco

    PropellerAds $10000+ Follow Along Contest (BIGGEST EVER!) #PA10k

    my contest thread - LETS GOO https://afflift.com/f/threads/8920/
  2. dannyfranco

    Anstrex Giveaway - Happy 4th Birthday affLIFT 🎉

    This helped me improve my landing pages immensely
  3. dannyfranco

    Zeropark Contest with $3,000 in Prizes!

    My follow-along thread for this contest: https://afflift.com/f/threads/zeropark-contest-keyword-targeting-zipcode-submit.8641/
  4. dannyfranco

    Guide The Ultimate Guide to Clickloss

    @Nick Are you aware of any traffic sources that have API capability? And could you use Binom to track the API? This seems like an area that could be focused on.
  5. dannyfranco

    [Giveaway] 60,000 Members Strong

    A sweepstakes giveaway without an SOI? Sign me up!