You probably think that Telegram is just a run-of-the-mill messaging app, just like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. You use it to send messages and funny memes to your friends, and that’s about it. Right?

Well, not exactly. Sure, while it is a messaging app, that’s the least impressive thing about it. You probably have no idea about Telegram mini-apps, and who can blame you? They’re not talked about nearly as much as they should be. So, let’s fix that.

These web-based applications are built straight into the platform itself, and each app lets you do something different. Want to manage your crypto wallet? Yup, there’s an app for that. Or maybe play a game or even book a ride? Of course, there are apps for that, too.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you might want to know about Telegram mini apps and why they’re bound to be the next big thing.

Telegram Mini Apps - What You Need to Know

Messaging apps are definitely not what they used to be. Sure, you technically can still use them for simple text exchange, but if you’re not doing anything more, you’re missing out. Nowadays, messaging apps are full-featured platforms.

You can do so much with these mini-apps without ever leaving Telegram, but how exactly did they manage something like that?

Well, Telegram mini apps are kind of like small apps or websites that are embedded into Telegram. No need to download them or anything like that; you just need to know where to find them.

Understanding Different Mini App Features

You need to understand that these mini-apps are far from some basic addition - they’re powerful, impressive, and absolutely worthwhile. If nothing else, the features show that:
  • Gaming: If you want to put some sizzle into your chat, you can play games in real-time right there in your group chat.
  • Poll and surveys: There’s nothing like an interesting poll or maybe a fun quiz to boost engagement, which makes this feature especially useful for marketers.
  • In-app purchases: Want to buy something without leaving the chat? Luckily for you, you can do so directly in the chat. Everything from a quick purchase to booking a service, Telegram has you covered.
  • Crypto payments: While we’re on the topic of making purchases, Telegram also has a feature that allows you to manage your cryptocurrency effortlessly.
  • AI-powered features: Thanks to the power of AI, you’ll be able to see some AI-driven capabilities that will be able to help you manage your tasks, personalize your content, or even recommend products that are perfect for you.
  • Social sharing: If you want all your friends to check out your mini-app content, you can easily post it on your story. It could be a game, poll, or some exclusive offer for your customers.

Understanding How Mini Apps Work

By now, you’re probably thinking that these mini apps have some great things to offer, but you’re still not sure how they even work. So, let’s figure that out together.

The apps themselves run on web languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and they’re connected to the platform with an API.

It all starts with your Telegram chat. All you need to do is either click on a link sent to your chat or interact with a bot, and you’re in. You can even log in automatically through your Telegram ID, so there wouldn’t be a need to put in your credentials every time.

And, of course, the hallmark of a good app is that it keeps you updated at all times. You’ll receive real-time updates and can even make in-app purchases if you[‘re looking for some premium features, items, or subscriptions.

Two Mini Apps You Need to Check Out

Telegram mini apps offer a world of fun, entertainment, opportunity, functionality, and so much more. It’s hard to decide which ones are the best of the best, but we still need to give you two apps that caught our eye.


Since this click-to-earn game was launched in 2023, it has managed to gain tens of millions of active players. When you play this game, you can earn real rewards in the form of $NOT tokens, which you can later trade with Telegram. You can think of it like mining for crypto, but instead of mining, you’re just clicking.

Hamster Kombat

Did you ever dream about being a hamster and the CEO of your own virtual crypto exchange? Okay, probably not, but that’s what you can do with Hamster Kombat. This mini-app is a strategic gameplay with over 200 million users that lets you build, battle, and manage your digital empire. And as you play, you’ll be mining HMSTR coins.

Mini Apps vs Bots - Learning the Difference

It might seem like mini apps and bots on Telegram are interchangeable, but there actually is a difference between the two.

Mini apps are web apps that are embedded inside Telegram and can do much more than simple tasks. They have all the cool features we discussed above and provide an overall rich and immersive experience.

Bots, on the other hand, are much more simple. They operate within the chat interface and can respond to basic commands. They’re great if you want to know what the weather’s like outside, send a personalized message, or maybe set a reminder for yourself.

So… What’s Next?

We’re sure that the future of Telegram mini-apps will be more exciting than we can probably imagine. We’ll probably see the integration of even more powerful AI, deeper integration with Web3, and even more immersive experiences. Whatever’s waiting for us, it’s bound to be amazing.

Telegram Mini Apps - Your Next Favorite Feature

If you’re not sold on Telegram mini apps by now, there’s really nothing more we can say to get you to see just how awesome they are. You can manage your crypto, play fun games, go shopping, and run ad campaigns, all while chatting with your friends.

So why not get in on all the hype and see what these apps have to offer? As soon as you do, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. And of course…

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