It’s easy tо mistake Telegram for just one оf many communications apps that people use nowadays, but don’t be sо quick tо dismiss it. From a marketer’s perspective, Telegram is the place tо be if you want tо grab your target audience’s attention.

One of the cool things about Telegram is that it allows for hyper-focused ads, so you don’t have to do too much tо reach the people you want tо reach. But the question isn't іf you should advertise оn Telegram (because the answer is yes); the question іs how.

If you don’t want your campaign tо be swallowed by the sea оf endless ads, you need tо know all the tips and tricks оf Telegram advertising.

Is Telegram Good for Advertising?​

The answer is a resounding yes. The platform has over 900 million active users, off-the-roof engagement, and great targeting options.

But before you advertise оn Telegram, you need tо remember one important thing: it’s not your main goal to go viral as іt would be оn TikTok оr Instagram. And as a bonus, you don't need to go above and beyond tо create an ad.

The beauty of Telegram advertising lies in its simplicity. All you need is a short and powerful text message, nо more than 160 characters. When you have that message, it’ll be sent out tо channels that have at least 1,000 subscribers.

These aren’t just random channels, mind you. As an advertiser, you’ll get tо make a whitelist оf topics and channels, and that way, you’ll ensure only the right people see your ads. And the messages you send will lead people back tо your Telegram channel.

Where Can You Show Your Ads?​

Advertising works a little bit differently on Telegram than it does on other platforms. The good news is that it’s straightforward and won’t have you wracking your brain about how to craft the perfect ad.

There are four main features you need to know about:
  • Channels: Telegram channels are run by one admin who is the only person that sends messages. If you find a public channel with a big following you think would be your perfect audience, you can promote your product/service via a sponsored message.
  • Groups: Unlike channels, groups are all about creating an interactive experience. You can send direct messages to groups of up to 200,000 members and advertise your brand.
  • Bots: Telegram also has bots that are programmed to interact with users, and you can set up your own bots to accept payments.
  • Targeting: Unlike most traditional advertising platforms, Telegram doesn’t use data for targeting. Instead, you’ll be the one choosing your ideal channels or groups you want to advertise on, so make sure you know exactly what you’re looking for.

Understanding Telegram Targeting​

We understand that marketers are so used to data being the king of advertising, and it sounds impossible that you can make targeted ads without it. However, it’s far from impossible, you just need to know how to target:
  • Know your audience: This golden rule of marketing never changes - if you want to make a sale, you need to know who’s willing to make the purchase. That’s why you need to make sure you know your target audience so you can choose the best channels.
  • Choose your channel topic: Telegram channels have no shortage of topics, so try to find channels where the topic of discussion is something related to what you’re selling.
  • Go for location: Even though Telegram doesn’t geo-target, you can still determine where the people who joined specific channels live based on the language used, the name of the channel, and some channels even mention city or country names.
  • Have a strategy: Even if a channel fits all the criteria we talked about, that doesn’t mean it’s the perfect channel for you. It’s important to create a strategy and take into consideration factors like engagement rate, subscriber count, and channel history.

Setting a Budget​

Yet another thing about advertising on Telegram is that you don’t have to break the bank to have a successful campaign.

Telegram ads start at $2.15, with the minimum Cost-per-Mille (CPM) starting at just $0.1 Toncoin ( about $0.5) for 1,000 impressions.

As for your ROI, it depends on how successful your campaign is. But if you have your own channel with over 1,000 subscribers, you’ll be able to keep 50% of your ad revenue.

Tips and Tricks for Growing an Audience​

By now, you’re probably ready to take Telegram by storm, which is why we’ve got a couple of tips and tricks that will help you on your way:
  • Start an awesome channel: Start your own channel that’s going to provide real value to your target audience. It should be related to your niche, informative, helpful, and relevant.
  • Embrace niche groups: Find groups that are in your niche, and when you join, dazzle everyone with thought-provoking questions, helpful tips, and great insights.
  • Get generous: Host interactive giveaways and contests on your channel that will invite the audience to tag friends, answer questions, and bring attention to your brand.
  • Use the power of influencer marketing: Just like any other platform, Telegram has influencers with large followings. Find some of those influencers whose followers are part of your target audience and ask for a collaboration.
Leverage bots: As we already mentioned, Telegram bots can be very helpful for your campaign. You can set them up to send personalized messages to new subscribers, conduct surveys, accept payments, and so much more.

Final Thoughts​

Even though it seems like a regular messaging platform at first glance, Telegram has great potential to be your next favorite advertising channel. Of course, that’s only if you use it right.

Don’t forget that the whole point of Telegram is to connect with other people, build strong communities, and create meaningful relationships. And with all the channels, groups, and bots at your disposal, there are so many chances you’ll have to make it big.