Hello everyone, PDL-Profit here – a CPA Network with more than 300 financial offers worldwide and daily profit payouts.

In this article, we'll understand the differences between landings and showcases in the payday loans niche, review their impact on the sales funnel, and tell you how to choose the best tool to increase your profile. Let's go!

How works the marketing funnel with a landing page​

In contrast to a showcase, a landing page is focused on one specific loan offer from a specific advertiser. To make it easier for you to understand, let's take Digido PH as an example. Landing is a direct path for the customer: from searching/seeing the ad - to getting the loan, increasing the chances of conversion.

Let's understand how the marketing funnel looks like with a landing in the niche of payday loans, and what stages a user passes on the way to a loan.
Step by step what a marketing funnel consists of:
  • Traffic Generation. Of course, the most primary and important thing is traffic. Let's take Facebook as an example.
  • Landing and redirect to the site of the offer. Once the user has visited the landing page and selected the terms of the loan amount and term that suits him, a form for data collection appears. After the user has left his/her data in the contact form on the landing page, he/she will be redirected to the website where one specific product is presented.

Then the choice is up to the client: to choose this offer and make an application, or to leave the site, because he does not like the offer. In the future, in case he leaves the site, you can send an e-mail or SMS to the client and try to make a sale by sending him to the showcase with offers. With PDL-Profit you can use SMS Sender service and send up to 4000 sms per month for free! You just need to compose a text message and insert it into SMS Sender, load the database of numbers and within a few minutes tens of thousands of your numbers will receive a message with the desired text.

When it's best to use a landing site: pros and cons​

In the payday loans vertical, not only a good banner but also a quality marketing funnel plays an important role in attracting customers. Every publisher has the option of driving traffic to a landing site or a showcase.

What you need to know when working with traffic to a single-offer landing page:
  • Promoting a new product on the market. In this way, when you are running an advertisement on a landing page, you can focus the user's attention on only one offer. Usually, new products on the market have good conversion rates.
  • Working with a narrow audience. We are talking about specific landings for a narrowly focused category of people, for example, payday loans for students or seniors with more favorable and interesting conditions.
  • High conversion rate. When you generate traffic to a landing page, it is able to lead to a higher conversion rate than when you generate traffic to a showcase: the target audience won't have an abundance of choices and won't be able to choose another offer.

Analyzing the funnel with the showcase of offers: what path the user goes through​

The showcase allows the target audience to compare conditions and choose the most favorable option. At PDL-Profit, we have a tool that allows you to create a financial showcase website for any geo in less than 5 minutes. You can use our domain or your own, add offers, rank them, and set up API postbacks. The Showcase Builder tool gives you the ability to customize the designs of your showcases, transmit data with Facebook Pixel, and connect Google Analytics.


The process of creating a showcase, you too can make a completely custom design of your showcase, adding the desired logos, editing the visual appearance of the showcase and so on.


Now let's understand in what cases the showcase is used, what are its pros and cons and how it generally looks like.

Of what stages the marketing funnel to the showcase consists:
  • Attracting traffic. In the case of a showcase of offers, in addition to Facebook, you can use SEO promotion. However, it is worth considering and checking the rendition for competitors, as well as researching the legislation of the country where you want to promote the showcase.
  • Payday Loans Showcase. Once a user has landed on the showcase, he sees various offers with the terms and conditions of the loan.

After the user has chosen the offer he likes, he clicks on the "get money" button and goes to the advertiser's site, where he fills out a questionnaire.


In case a user is not approved for a loan, he still has several options on the showcase, so the chance of getting a lead is multiplied.

When it is better to use a showcase: pros and cons​

Showcase, in contrast to the landing, is a platform where there are many proposals from different payday loan companies. This allows the user to compare the terms of loans and choose the most suitable option.

What you need to know when generating traffic to a showcase with payday loans:
  • Large audience. The showcase allows you to attract users with different needs and financial capabilities. So traffic in this case can reach out to a wider audience.
  • Profit per customer. A user can compare different offers and choose several suitable ones without opening a dozen other sites. For the publisher, the benefit is that one client can bring profit on several offers.
  • Loyalty. When the user sees that he has a choice, and not one particular offer, which may not be interested, he has increased trust and loyalty to the site. In the future, he may return to the site more than once for a loan.


What type of website is best for payday loan offers? It all depends on budgets and the availability of the offers, but the most common option right now is a showcase site. It can be used both for additional sales, for example, by sending SMS or email with the showcase website, and in general, generate traffic to it.

If you want to earn money in affiliate marketing — get in touch with PDL-Profit — a CPA network specializing in banks, loans and cryptoe xchanges offers:

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You’ll get access to these CR-boosting tools:
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