Hi everyone, with you PDL-Profit – CPA network with more than 300 financial offers worldwide and daily profit payouts. Today we are going to tell you how to properly create and fill Facebook fanpages for payday loan offers.

With a well-filled fanpage, you will be able to attract more attention of your potential audience. Also, a properly filled out fanpage adds trust to your ads, which will significantly increase the conversion rate of your advertising campaigns. For example, if you have an offer for the Philippines and your ads are shown from an Indian fanpage in Hindi, of course, this will ultimately have a negative impact on conversion rates.

In today's example, we will look at creating a fanpage on geo Philippines for one single specific offer. You can also create fanpages for your financial showcases, promoting several financial offers at once. We will look at fanpages for this type of sites in the next article.

Creating a fanpage and filling it

To create a fanpage you need to go to the main page of facebook.com, on the left side of the column you will see different icons: find the icon “Pages”, click on it:


After that, click “Create new page” and proceed to fill it out:


Next you need to come up with a name for your fanpage, choose which category it belongs to and write some information. After these actions should turn out as in the screenshot below, then click “Create Page”:


Next, Facebook will offer you to specify additional information about yourself, which we do:


Data like website, address, phone number and mail can be taken from the website of your offer in the “contact” section:


The easiest way to fill out a fanpage is to go to the website of the offer you are going to promote. The lending or website will have almost everything you need for a quality fill-in: contact information, text and graphic banners.

If you are making a fanpage for your financial showcase and will be promoted several offers at once, we advise you to create a separate email address for it. It is better if the name of the site will be in your email, so the trust will be much more!

The next thing to do is to put the cover on the background and the main photo. You can create the necessary photos with the help of various neural networks, for example, Looka is quite popular, and is relatively inexpensive. You can also take the advice above, and use an offer's lending or website.

Once you have installed the main photo and cover, click “Next”:


Congratulations, the fanpage is complete! Agree, with a photo and description looks much better and more trustworthy:


After that it remains to post a few posts on the topic of loans to payday loans, click “What's on your mind?” and insert a photo with text, then - the button “Post”.


Tip: try to make posts to warm up the fanpage as natural as possible and on the topic of the offer. The picture can be found in a search, and the text, for example, generated by ChatGPT or take news from the Internet.

As a result, we get posts like this:


PDL-Profit's advice: after filling the fanpage and publishing several posts, let the page exist for a while, at least 3-4 days. You don't need to drive traffic right away, Facebook won't like it.

Before driving traffic, it is better to prepare fanpages in advance and have them in stock.

Autoresponder on your fanpage.

When setting up an advertising campaign on Facebook, it is important not only to attract potential customers, but also to work effectively with those who have already made a touch with the offer. To do this, you can use an autoresponder in messengers that will send a message with a link to your offer to everyone who writes. Below we'll break down how to set up such an autoresponder.

While on your fanpage, go to the “Business Suite” section:


On the page that opens, you need to click on “Inbox”:


This will take you to this page, next is the “Automations” button:


Next is the “Instant reply” button:


After that, you will need to insert a text creative like, “Hello! If you want to know more details, follow the link.”


Why do you need a high-quality fanpage?

We have already shown in detail how to create and fill a Facebook fanpage. We think it's worth repeating that up-to-date information, a logo, regular content updates and studying the engagement statistics of your audience – is one of the main factors that affect the trust in the brand, which, in turn, increases the conversion rate.

Answering the question of why this is so important, the following points can be emphasized by working with a well-designed fanpage:
  1. Attention. At the initial stage it is very important to attract attention to the offer. Not all affiliates pay enough attention to the correct presentation of the offer, and you, applying quality content, can increase the audience reach and attract new customers.
  2. Convenience. The second important point is the usability of the filled fanpage for your target audience. Functional buttons, up-to-date information with contacts and brand information, and the ability to leave reviews or comment, all of these things increase audience loyalty
  3. Trust. A filled fanpage with posts has much more trust than an empty fanpage created 5 minutes ago with no photos or posts. A well-filled page and warmed up with posts builds trust not only with the target audience, but also with Facebook.
Conclusion. Every person, before buying any product or service, wants to know more about both the product itself and the company that offers it. Therefore, do not underestimate such a stage of the funnel as filling out a fanpage.

Also, if you are interested in financial offers, we have analyzed the types of offers and how to promote them better in this article.

Finance is one of the most stable and in-demand verticals in all of affiliate marketing. Offer promotion here is seasonally independent, and the customer lifecycle is much higher than in other niches. In addition, there are high payouts, reputable brands, and a wide range of offers with different target actions, from filling out a questionnaire to issuing loans.

Constant demand, high rates, no bans and the ability of advertisers to buy any volume of traffic make this vertical very profitable and popular among publishers. And although the most popular niche offerer is payday loans, the financial vertical itself does not end with payday loans. You can find crypto-offers, consumer loans, business loans, debit cards and more at PDL-Profit.

If you want to earn money in affiliate marketing — get in touch with PDL-Profit — a CPA network specializing in banks, loans and crypto exchanges offers:


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