Hello everyone! My name is Alex Follow, and I'm a full-stack xD affiliate specialist from Ukraine 🇺🇦

I've written hundreds of articles on affiliate marketing, but this is my first English one, so I used ChatGPT for translation.

Normally, I focus on generating organic free traffic from social networks. But currently, I'm testing POP traffic. The results aren't great yet, but today I'll share interesting things that can help you analyze traffic better and gain more insights.

Enough introduction, let's get to the point 🙂

Let's start with the basics: I use the MaxConv tracker. It's a great cloud-based tracker with reasonable prices, you might have heard of it.

One of its features is custom conversions and events, and today I want to talk about that.

Everything is detailed in the documentation: https://maxconv.com/docs/advanced/goals/

Goal is used to track actions you want your visitors to take, like visiting a specific page, submitting a form, clicking a button, etc.

I've created a pre-landing page like this:


Every time a user clicks on any element, a modal window opens with a registration offer.


When a user clicks on an avatar on the landing page or a like, a custom goal is sent to the tracker. It's interesting, but I haven't yet seen practical application for this besides using it as a heatmap.


To send an event on a div, you use this code:

<div class="play-button" onclick="maxconv(function(){ maxconv('logEvent', 'play_click'); })">
  Button video play icon or other html code

Or for links:

<a href="https://ban.media/alex_follow" onclick="maxconv(function(){ maxconv('logEvent', 'click_name'); })">Alex Follow</a>

I did this out of curiosity since the previous my tracker didn't allow custom events. This test inspired me with an idea that changes the approach to analyzing POP traffic.

Typically, when analyzing POP traffic, you look at websiteid and the revenue from it. If the conversion cost is high, you also assess CTR LP and add websiteid to the Black List if this metric is low.

This method has worked for many years, but your pre-landing might look unappealing, which affects the number of clicks, not because of bad traffic or bots, but due to poor LP.

On the other hand, POP traffic often leads users to close tabs before the landing page loads.

To accurately track how many people have seen the landing page, I send a special event «focus»


It's done with simple code:

  document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', handleFocusOnce);

  function handleFocusOnce() {
    if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
      maxconv(function() { maxconv('logEvent', 'focus'); });
      document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', handleFocusOnce);

This way, the tracker shows the number of people who:
  • Visits - came from the ad network
  • Focus - saw your page
  • Clicks - went to the offer
Based on this data, you can analyze the Focus metric, research CTR Focus, and determine which websiteids don't bring real views to your landing page.


This allows for a deeper analysis of your POP traffic and provides more information.

I hope you found something new and useful! Looking forward to any feedback :)