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Guide Using ChatGTP to better understand a market



Grand Guru
Nov 25, 2018
I'd like to share a method I've been using to think about promotional "angles" for countries that I have little or no knowledge of. But first, a story is required.

A friend of mine shared a story with me about how casinos entice people walking through to put down their money. Given that he had spent his entire career in casino game and event promotion, and the fact that we were sitting in his very nice house (mansion) looking over the Vegas strip, he had my undivided attention. He told me that on a casino floor you could place two games. Game #1 cost $1 for a 1 in 20 chance to win a $20 app store gift card. Game #2 cost $10 for a 1 in 1,000,000 chance to win a million dollar house. My logical brain was already lining up to win gift cards. He then told me that the game #1 would have no players, and game #2 would have a line of 20 people waiting to play. His reason, "everybody wants a chance to win something they couldn't afford in their lifetime." These wise words have shaped many an affiliate
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