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Guide Use ChatGPT To Clean Landers?



Grand Guru
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Community Leader
Jan 7, 2019
So, for the past few months, I have been using ChatGPT for understanding code on my landers and modifying it according to my needs. If you are someone like me who only has a basic understanding of code, this will probably help you a lot!

Simple HTML/CSS landers with a bit of JS can be easy to understand. However, other times there are redirects set up which are annoying to deal with.

I remember coming across multiple landers when I started that I just gave up on because I had zero clue why I couldn't get them to redirect to where I wanted.

Now this post is definitely not for people who have decent technical knowledge, so I wondered if it was even worth sharing, but yeah people with limited technical knowledge might find this helpful!

I am just going to show an example of how you can use AI to find out what a particular piece of code does, and how you can edit it to help you clean/modify your landers.

So, I came across an advertorial on Adplexity which I wanted to rip, but when I downloaded it, I realized it had no redirect
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