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Case Study Should you split test your landing page backgrounds? Let the numbers speak!


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Community Leader
May 9, 2018
Hey guys. I'm back with a new but fairly simple case study.
The reason I post this is that there are a ton of factors you can split-test into your landing pages, and this is one of the easiest ones for sure.

Split testing a landing page background can be as easy as changing the color from white to blue, black, yellow, or any other color. Or in some cases, it's just a matter of switching the background image on your files.

But can changing the background color of a landing page impact the conversion rate of an offer? I'll let the data do the work.

The contenders

To avoid introducing many variables in this test I decided to direct link a couple of offers that already have different landing pages (or offer pages, if you will). Obviously, this test applies more for your own landing pages but if any network has different offer pages you should always split test them.

I selected a couple of offers from Zeydoo. You've probably seen them before; surveys.

They all have different image backgrounds but the rest is exactly the same and it's the same offer overall, which is fine because we don't want
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