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Question: how many clicks do I need to have statistical significance? (aka: when do I stop the campaign)

Galaksion Contest


Jan 11, 2019
My first post here :) Let's see if I can learn something from the pros.

So, I am running my first campaign with Facebook Ads, sending traffic to some local landing pages and then to the offer page. Since the beginning my concern is finding out which cities are interested on the offer.

On this table you can see the amount and cost (CPC) of clicks from each Facebook Ad Set (one per city) and how much revenue each one made:


(This is sorted by more to less performing cities, at the bottom there were others that are quite underperforming).

My question is: how many clicks do I need in order to have a significant evidence that the traffic from that city works (or not)?

Any other suggestion will be appreciated, thanks!
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