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Follow Along Partners.House Contest | Lets Make Some Money


Super Contributor
Oct 2, 2022
🔧 Tracker: MaxConv
💰 Traffic Source:
Various pop traffic networks
✅ Affiliate Network: Partners.house | Maybe Zeydoo and monetizer for traffic back
👍 Offer Type: Push Subscriptions/Low Payout Offers
⭐ Geos: T1
🎯 Goal: Test Partners.House inpage notification extra monetization while collecting push subscribers

Hello everyone,

I was hesitant to join this contest at first because there is already a plethora of good push collection networks around. I took sometime to setup partners.house LPs and so on and I noticed the extra monetization options here:


I think this option is very good to monetize T1 countries where the inpageclick can reach very solid amounts of payouts, I have seen bids on click up to 0.4$ in some T1 geo in specific slices.

Now my plan is to implement the code to very simple LandingPages redirecting to dating offers. These simple landing pages will have the push subsciption script plus the inpage script and other extra trafficback monetization, cough cough @Luke BackUnder

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