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Newbies have some questions about landing pages


Apr 4, 2024
Hello there, I just created my first landing page today

But I had some questions.

First i'm using Binom.

I try to use this way to integrated landing pages


But it's really slow access.

Now I'd like to use cloudflare to host the landing page, but another question that comes up is whether my Offer Link needs to use Js in the page to get the URL path parameter to complete the jump.

For example, if my OfferLink is{clickid},
do I need to get the current path parameter of the landing page,
get the clickid,
and replace it with {clickid} to ensure the tracking process is complete?

Like this,

//  Function to get URL parameter by  name
function getURLParameter(name) {
     let regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' +  name + '=([^&#]*)');
     let results = regex.exec(;
     return results === null ?  '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));

// Get  'clickid' from the current URL
var clickid  = getURLParameter('clickid');

// Define the base URL  for the redirection
var baseUrl = "";

//  Check if 'clickid' is found and  not empty
if (clickid) {
     // Construct the full URL  with the dynamically replaced 'clickid'
     var fullUrl = baseUrl
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