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Follow Along Lets Get A Campaign Green On Bing



Super Contributor
Sep 21, 2021
Hey Guys!

So I have been a member here now for about 2 months and after reading a bunch of threads and getting some tips and tricks about running some campaigns I thought I would start my very own follow along to try and get a campaign green on Microsoft and hopefully record the steps along the way. Hopefully I can create some magic, so I can revisit myself to realise what I actual did right haha, but mainly for anyone just getting started in the search game. I was encourage to create my own follow along after reading @JonathanB follow along ( a must read if you haven't ).

From the beginning on my CPA venture I have always seen the value in growing and email list so this campaign I will be focusing on growing and email list to bring in another stream on revenue. Previously I was only able to get my campaign to around -50%. This was just doing calculations myself from how much I was spending in my Microsoft account and how much I was earning in Max Bounty. Who knows, I could of been loosing more money or maybe I wasn't
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