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Guide How to track where your email subs come from easily!

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Jan 7, 2019
I have been running e-mail for over a year now and as you add new sources, it becomes very hard to check which subscribers are bringing you the most money back. I never really bothered, because the overall profit was great and I was happy with it. I was specifically looking at cost per sub and optimizing campaigns accordingly, which worked of course but it also did not tell me which campaign/which traffic type/which traffic source the leads were coming from. At a time, you probably duplicate and test out multiple different campaigns with different targeting settings (OS versions, interest-based targeting, browsers etc) and you can theoretically just create a separate list for all of them and maybe that will help you differentiate between the quality of subscribers. However, that's going to be a never-ending process. Also, you might be testing multiple landers and in order to differentiate the quality of subscribers from each lander, I think this is going to REALLY help. I asked some people in my discord, and Michael (who seems to have changed his name and I cannot tag him here) helped set me on my way to implement this.

It is pretty easy and
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