Case Study How to get $972.72 in a month using Content Lockers and WOM Marketing?

Adavice DSP


Grand Guru
Jun 19, 2019

Would you like to get the amount of USD 972.72? Sure you would. This money could be yours if you took an example from Michael.

Do you remember him? Michael was the main character of our previous story. He’s the one who earned by using Content Lockers. It went so smoothly that he decided to continue the good vibe and started a new campaign using this fantastic tool.

How much did he achieve? USD 972.72 in one month. Take a look at the case study and find out how to make this money yours.​


Michael decided to use Content Locker one more time (a File Locker to be clear.) If you still don’t know what that is, Content Locker is a solution that allows you to block specific content and gain a profit when it is unlocked by the user. Such an element can be a file, the specific content of a website or a blog (e.g., an entry or its fragment), or an element of a mobile game.

Michael used the option to block the file. After a moment of reflection, he got down to work - he decided to find an interesting hack​
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