MaxConv Tracker
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How to deal with suspicious access flagged by tracker Maxconv?

Adavice DSP


Mar 21, 2024
Recently I've been using the tracker Maxconv, which provides fields for displaying anti-fraud related reports, as shown in the image below, which contains fields for Bots, Client Libraries, DataCenters, Moderators. And I found that the values of these fields are not small, but most of them are from “Unknow”.

My question is:
1. What is the purpose of this suspicious traffic? Is it for Spy?
2. What does everyone do with this suspicious traffic?
3. Is there any problem if I create a rule to reject this suspicious traffic? I know that when I apply for a campaign at the traffic source they review the campaign, so does their traffic get flagged as suspicious? If yes then would I not be able to create this rejection rule?


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